Ceremony of Monsters

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The midday fog covered the sky as the wedding of Maestro and Clockwork commenced. Wasn't really anything special, but it was beautiful. ''I now pronounce you husband and wife'' Slendy said. They seal their commitment with a chalice of each others blood. Jeff wasn't really fond of weddings, he found them stupid and pointless but he had no choice, it was either that or clean smile dog's pen. In celebration, Slendy  decided to release all monsters for a 3 day killing spree. ''Run my children be free''. Maestro smiled and grabbed Clocks as he leapt into the tree, Clockwork looked into her husbands eyes and saw the bloodlust. This  made her love him even more. After 3 hours, they began the hunt, screams echoed as pools of blood ran through the streets. These innocent people didn't deserve this fate, but the monsters didn't  care, they all cared about one thing.....blood. When Maestro finished, his gauntlets were stained with the thick, red liquid. As he stared at them, a little bit of remorse, but his mind was too gone. When Slendy made him a proxy his humanity was snatched from him. So from now until the end of time he is a cold hearted killer. 

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