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"You should've just warn us and we can talk about it" Michael piped in.

"I know that but I was scared to lose what we have built and what we worked hard for. I did this for us"

"Why would we lose what we had?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"They said that they'll drop our contract if I don't agree, I don't have a choice"

Then we came to realisation, he was under pressure and he agreed to accept for us not to lose what we had built and worked hard for but he loses his relationshiop with the girl he loves.

"What do you say?" Ashton half smiled, I looked up to him to meet his hazel eyes.

"I understand but you have to sort things out to Monty about this"

"I feel like a, after that deal, I don't have the guts to talk to her. I hadn't even texted her, called her and even skyped her" he looked down to the ground. "I'm sorry"

"Say it to her" Luke piped in.

"She called Cal, crying her heart out and Riley was furious" Michael chipped in.

~ ~ ~


"Please pick up, pick up the phone Monty" I whispered to myself.

Hello sunshine, please leave a message after the beepity-beep-beep.

"Ugh" I ran my fingers through my locks.


"Hello Monty babe, please. Just hear me out, I want to talk to you. Just give me a chance to explain things"

I put my phone down. After a dozen of calls, it just fell down to voicemail. One wrong move and it will all come crashing down.

I put my head in my hands, I took a deep breath and can't help but to shed tear "Have you talked to her yet?" Michael asked, then sitting beside me.

I shook my head, "I screwed up, big time, didn't I?"

Michael just sat down there, while I pour my heart out. It was weird saying these things to him, when I pretty much know that we are almost in a same situation.

"Why don't you give her a surprise visit? We are pretty much busy and that would be just impossible" he suggested but laughed it off.

"Good idea, I'll talk to Susan right away" I said, running out of the house.

~ ~ ~

"...just please give me a day or two to fly back, Suze" I begged. I have been in the phone for about ten minutes begging over and over again.

"Look, honey" she paused, heaving a sigh. "I will do my best but I can't promise anything"

"Thank you very much"

I put my phone down and laid on the bed. Million of things ran through my mind, thinking about it makes my tummy turn.

And the thought of her leaving me, is just plain unimaginable.

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