Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV

The more people that pile in, the more aggressive I get.

Oscar is standing in the kitchen with a smug smirk on his face and I feel like dying. People are coming in and being obnoxious. I just want to go home and sleep.

Stupid mother and her fucking sex fantasies!


D: sorry babe I forgot to shave my armpits and it took a little longer than I thought!

Me: WTF? You were supposed to do that yesterday!

D: yup sorry my bad!

I turn my phone off and throw it on the ground, shattering it to pieces.

Damn it! Why the fuck did I do that? Now I will be stranded at Oscars house until Destiny gets here.

I wait for a few more minutes before Destiny finally comes through the door with A guy named Bobby on her arm. They have been neighbors since they were born so I trust him with her.

She stumbles through the door in her red stilettos and her tight black dress riding up her ass. Bobby is doing his best to hold her up.

Slut! I can't believe that she is drunk already.

I go towards a wall and start to bang my head against it. Once I start to feel dizzy I bang it even harder. Just as I'm about to collapse on the floor a solid body comes up behind me.

"Hey pretty thang. Don't do that, you'll bang your pretty face up." The voice says. He looks up and down by body and smiles.

I'm wearing a light pink button up blouse with my trusty jean skirt. I'm wearing knee high sock with my brown oxfords. My hair is in loose curls from being out all day. I look damn good! He better be checking me out.

But since I didn't give him permission to look at me, he must die.

If my fucking boyfriend was here then he could do all this shit for me. But since everyone is an ass, I have to do everything by myself.

I turn towards the manly voice behind me and plaster the biggest fake smile to my face.

"I will ask you to get your hands off me once. After that I can't be held responsible for my actions." I say sweetly

He leans his head down as if he is gonna whisper in my ear "Oh yeah sexy, and if I say no?" He asks me smugly

My sweet smile turns into a scowl. "Then you don't wanna know what I would do." I shove hard against his chest and when he loses his balance I quickly shuffle away.

I walk through the crowd looking for one person and one person only.

Where the hell is Jake? Everyone and their mother is here so where the fuck is he?

I'm about to turn and walk back toward the kitchen when I am stopped by Destiny. She looks worried and I immediately panic.

"What's happening? What's wrong?" I ask in a panicked voice.

"Bobby had to go h-h-home and then w-when I went t-to dance some guy t-t-tried to..." She trails off and starts to sob.

"Who? Where the fuck is he!?" I can feel my blood start to boil

"There!" she points with shaky hands to the guy that was all over me earlier.

I go up to him and grab his hand and drag him off the dance floor. He tried to protest at first but when he sees the fury in my eyes he immediately shuts up. I drag him to a room and Destiny follows me inside.


"Sit down on the fucking bed and don't say a word." I spit at the guy as I push him in the room. I turn to the sobbing girl behind means motion her into the room.

I follow them into the room and my foot gets caught on the door frame and I fall flat on my face. I feel eyes on me as the room grows silent

I lie there for a few hours and contemplate my life. Before I finally grow the courage to get up.

"Now" I start. "What the hell is wrong?"

"I don't know what is going on here sexy, but I like it." He says

"You shut your fucking dick!" I snap as I jab my finger in his chest.

"H-he tried to take m-my shoes! And then he gave them to Mr. Unicorn. Then after that it was the best thing about it but the only way to get the same time as..." She trails off as she passes out.

Ya she is definitely drunk.  She is always like this at parties. I have no idea why the fuck Bobby left her at the party.

I quickly call Bobby and ask him to come and take her home. Ayer cussing him out and threatening his manhood he agrees.

I apologize to the mystery man and leave the room.

I'm tired of these fucking people in the house. I hadn't seen Oscar all night and I'm really starting to get tired. I look at the clock on the wall and my jaw drops when I read the clock.



These people need to get the fuck out.

I grab a baking sheet and a spatula and start to bang them together to make gun noises.

Bang bang bang

"OH MY GOD! He had a gun! Every get out!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Immediately everyone starts to pile out of the house. I girl runs from upstairs and guess who is following her... Oscar

That's where that bitch went.

He runs up to me and looks at me with a confused look. "Why is everyone leaving?"

"Someone had a gun." I state nonchalantly.

Once the last person runs out the door Oscar turns to me and smirks. "You just wanted to be alone with me sweetheart." He starts advancing towards me and I back up. "Guess what sweetheart. We are alone." He backs me up into a wall.

"You are a pig." I snap.

"Maybe so, but I bet you love bacon. And other types of meat." He starts to lower his head to my neck.

He needs to learn his place.

"You're right! I do want you all to myself." I push him into the couch.

"That's more like it princess." He says smugly.

I take my shoes off then put my leg on the couch. I start to roll down my thigh high socks slowly. I see his erection start to press against his jeans. Once I roll my both my socks down I stratal  his legs.

"Touch me Oscar!" I moan real sexy like.

He brings his hands up as if I would actually let him touch me.

"WRONG FUCKING ANSWER OSCAR!" I grab his hands and tie them together then proceed to tie them to the couch.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks

"You thought I would let you touch me with your freakishly small dick and small hands!" I lie. It's actually really big but I would never tell him that.

He looks freaked out but I don't care.

"Have a good night Oscar." I say as I get up and walk to my room while he is struggling on the couch.

He spends the rest of the night screaming my name.


It's BILLYh again! I was forced to right this chapter so you better fucking like it! See if I care

Thanks for reading!

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