Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

"What do you want mom!?"

"Hi sweetie I just wanted to know what time you will be home." She says sweetly into the phone

What the hell mom!

"The same time everyday. What did you think? And why are you calling me anyway?" I ask irritated

"I was wondering if you could not be home today. Your father and I wanna have fun... If you know what I mean."

"What the hell mom? I don't want to know that shit! Next time don't waste my time!"

"Okay honey! Just find somewhere to stay. Love ya!"

"Ya whatever bye!"

I hang up the phone annoyed. I didn't want to know that my parents were doing the nasty!

I focus my attention back on the English lesson. I'm passing this class with straight A's so I don't even know why I need this class.

I could stay over Jakes house. I would have to ask him after school.

All of a sudden I hear a scream

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" the voice pierced my ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY WOULD YOU SCREAM IN MY EAR!" I turn to the girl next to me with murderous eyes.

She looks at me sheepishly and smiles. "You looked distracted so I just wanted to get your attention."

"Are you fucking stupid?" I state

Now you understand why I will not be staying over Destiny's house. Plus her mom is a strict bitch and I don't want to deal with that.

I ignore her for the rest of the class because if I talk to her then that would just irritate me more.

I focus my attention back on the lesson. I have no idea what the teacher is saying. Fuck English. It's the most stupidest class in the school.

Once the bell rings I hop my little ass out of the seat and rush to lunch.

I'm not even hungry though. School makes me loose my appetite and my mind. Maybe I will go to the roof instead and try to jump off again. Last time I tried to jump off the roof my foot got caught on the side of the building and I was hanging there for three hours.

Maybe that's not a good idea.

Instead I decide to sit with my 'friends' who are really the only people I can stand.

I go towards the table in the middle of the cafeteria and greet everybody.

"Hey Tay!" Dylan greets me. He is tall with perfect brunette hair and the best smile. God spent a little extra time on him. If I wasn't dating Jake then I would be all over Dylan's fine ass.

Okay enough dirty thoughts

The next to greet me is my friend Jessica. She really pretty with reddish brownish hair and freckles. She would be really tall if she stops slouching and trying to hide herself from the world.

She nods her head in my direction and quickly looks back at the table and pretends that her fingers are more interesting than the conversation the table was having.

Destiny is already stuffing her face with the lunch special of the day. She such a pig I don't even know how she is not obese.

I sit down next to Jessica join the conversation that they were having before I came over.

Suddenly hands slide around my eyes and block my vision.

"Hey babe." Jakes deep voice sounds in my ear

I giggle and his hot breath tickles my ear.

"Hello yourself!" I say in a fake cute voice. I hate the relationship lovey dovey shit but hey, I'm a sucker for love.

"Oh hey I needed to talk to you about something."

I was about to explain to him that I needed a place to stay tonight but I was rudely interrupted by Oscar. "Hey sweetheart" he greets I his annoying voice.

"Don't call me sweetheart. I have a name." He looks at me and grins. Damn he knows how to. Get under my skin.

"Hey man!" Jake greets Oscar doing their manly handshake.

"Sup" Dylan says coolly doing his boyish head nod.

We all start to talk again.

I decide to ask Jake later when there aren't so many people around us.

I sit there and try to be interested in the conversation but I got bored really quickly and decided to just ignore them.

When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch I got up and made my way to my next class. After that the school day went by pretty quick and uneventful.

After school I decided to wait by Jakes car so I could ask him if I could stay over.

Why did I have to stay over someone's house anyway? Why couldn't my mom just get a hotel room or something?Why did she have to kick her own daughter out of the house? I would never be able to understand my mothers way of thinking.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jake approaching me.

I smiled at him and waved. I knew he had soccer practice so I wasn't going to keep him long.

"Hey! I was gonna ask you something but I didn't get the chance to since there was so much going on today."

"Ya sure babe, what's up?" He asks me as he opens up his car door to get his soccer bag.

"I was wondering if I could stay over your house tonight. My mom is kicking me out the house tonight" I laugh nervously as I wait for his reply.

He seems to think for a minute before he finally says something. "I'm sorry babe. I really can't. My mom is having family over and I don't think my family would approve of having my girlfriend sleeping over."

"Oh okay I will just find someone else to stay with." I say sadly.

"Why do you need a place to stay?" And annoying voice sounds from behind Jake and I immediately know who the owner is.


"She needs a place to stay for tonight. But my place is off limits."

"Nosy much Oscar?" I say irritated because my boyfriend can't keep his mouth shut.

"She can stay at my place." Oscar suggested ignoring my comment.

"You would do that for her?" Jake asks, "oh man you are seriously the best!" He gives Oscar a high five and then turns to me. "See babe problem solved."

I sigh

Oscar looks at me and winks. "See you after soccer practice sweetheart." And with that they both skip off to practice.

I stand there shell shocked. This should be an interesting night.

~~{ Authors Note}~~

Hey bitches its BILLYh! This is the second chapter of "Untitled". Hope you enjoy.
No actually, you better enjoy it!
Just kidding!


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