Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

I lay on the couch of Oscar's house and try to figure out what came over me. Was it the amount of people that came over that made me feel really woozy and not myself? I'm sure that's it. I am not one to cheat on my boyfriend or have relations with a total douche like Oscar.

"Tay Tay, are you up?" I hear an annoying voice from the banister up above me. I roll my eyes and turn my body over so I can avoid seeing him.

"Shut the fuck up Oscar, I am trying to sleep." I tell him rolling my eyes as I lay here."I wish I could've found the sleeping pills so I could take them all."

"Why?" He asks me concerned."Do you really hate me that much?" He asks me.

"You are a fucking dumbass if you think I am going to say no to that you piece of shit. I am so done with being here." I say and stand up from the couch.

I grab my bag and phone from the wall charger and walk to the front door of his house. As I open the door, I feel someone spin me around and my eyes are staring into a pair of brown ones that I have grown to hate.

"Where are you going?" Oscar asks.

"First of all." I say to him punching his throat causing him to choke."Do not touch me and second of all you don't need to worry about what I am fucking doing."

I walk out of the house and remember that I have the keys to Oscar's car. That's fucking convenient, and I am extremely happy that I can escape. I get into his truck and go to turn the car on but the key doesn't fit, why doesn't the key fucking fit?

All of a sudden, I hear knocking on the car window and Oscar is standing outside of the car with a key in his hand. That must be the actual car key, son of a fucking bitch. I open the car door and try to grab the key from him. Oscar turns lifts his hand higher and laughs at me.

"Oscar please, I just want to get the hell out of here!" I scream at him before kicking his balls allowing him to crouch down and I can grab the keys. But the twist here is that he doesn't crouch down, he just smirks at me before walking back to the house with the car key.

I run after him and grab the back of his head to pull it back, he turns around and gives me another smirk.

"What part of 'I like it rough' don't you understand?" He tells me.

All of a sudden I scream. I scream so loud then I fell the devil entering my body. My eyes roll back and I scream. My back arches and I scream.

When I stand back up and stare at Oscar, he still has a fucking smirk on his goddamn face! How hard is it to scare this asshole?!?!

"Oscar, I suggest you back the fuck up or you will die." I say to him with a clenched jaw.

"Oh talk some more." He says seductively.

"OH MY MOTHER FUCKING GOD YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at him.

I race into the home and once I get in, I lock the door and sigh in relief. I cant do this, I really really can't. My boyfriend is a dumbass for allowing me to sleep over and my best friend is stupid for getting drunk in less than 20 minutes and I'm a dumbass because I didn't just go back to my home and kick those bitches out of my room!

Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't even express how pissed off I am. I mean, the devil almost  came out of me today when I was outside with Oscar but I had to stop him.

I am taken out of my thoughts by a pair of hands on my shoulders that spin me around. Before I can scream, their hands are over my mouth and I can feel tears in my eyes start to form in my eyes from how scared I am. My eyes meet with the same pair of brown ones that I've been looking at all night.

"Tay, you gotta stop trying so hard." He says to me smiling. I can't lie, he's very attractive but he is even more annoying.

"How did you back in?" I ask him, removing his hands from my face. "I locked the door." I point at the door that is clearly locked.

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" He says chuckling. "I fucking live here, therefore I know exactly how to get in from any door or window."

"First of all bitch, don't ever call me stupid because you will die the next time that word comes out of your mouth and it is directed towards me." I say to him without any amusement in my voice."Do you fucking get that?"

"Damn, I thought we were having a moment." He says looking down." But there you go acting all crazy for no r-" I cut him off by slapping his face.

"You didn't fucking tell me that you understood instead you called me crazy and have the fucking nerve to think that we were having a moment Oscar!" I say to him.

"Fine, I understand you and I'm sorry for calling you crazy." He tells me.

Something happens that make my stomach feel like there are butterflies in them, and my hand caresses the cheek that I slapped. Fuck no.

"Stop fucking doing that Oscar!" I say to him." Why do you make me want to kill you but also kiss you at the same time?!?" I yell.

"I don't know, it's a gift I was born with." He says to me." It's hard because I do this to so many people and I wish I didn't, I wish I only made them think one way for me but it's hard."

"Well fucking stop cause I can't take it, it's pissing me off!" I yell at him." I have a boyfriend and I also have morals Oscar."

"It's okay Taylor, just let go." He says to me moving my hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"I can't Oscar, I'm hungry." I say to him." And I'm not me when I'm hungry."

"I have a snickers if you want to be you again but I like it when you're like this." He tells me.

I stare into his brown eyes before he leans into me and attaches his lips to mine.

"What did I fucking say Oscar?!" I say to him while pushing him off of me.

"Don't talk Taylor." He tells me before taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

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