Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV

Once I finish scrubbing the germs off of my body thanks to my fucking parents I get out and dry myself off. I then take my industrial sized hand sanitizer and I rub it into my skin until it is completely gone!

"That's fucking better!" I mumble to myself.

Just then there is a knock on the bathroom door.

"What the fuck do you want!?" I scream knowing its my parents trying to apologize.

"Honey we just want to say we're sorry." I hear my mother say through the door.

"Ya honey we were just a little drunk that's all." My father calls after her.

A little drunk? Unbelievable!

"Don't be sorry." I say with an excruciatingly sweet smile on my face

My parents are shocked

"Be better." I state

"Yes sweetie we will!" My parents say obediently

"At your job" I say nodding to them and they nod back

"As parents" I say and continue to nod

"We will sweetie we promise." They say as they slowly back away from the bathroom door.

"Oh that would be great, thank youuuuu" I say in my best valley white girl voice.

I shut the bathroom door and sit down on the side of the tub.

Why is my life always like this!? It's like no matter how hard I fucking try nothing ever goes my fucking way and fucking people fucking don't know how to fucking keep their bitchass mouths closed and stop fucking speaking to me! Like just let me think for one goddamn moment because God forbid I take a moment for myself for once.


Okay, I just need to calm down and take a deep breath. 

I must have been a low down dirty whore in my past life for people to think they can just shit on me like I'm a fucking.. whatever people shit on. My mom calls me downstairs and I take my sweet time going downstairs. I stand at the top of the stairs and just stare.. And I wonder what would happed if I plunged head first down these fucking stairs right this fucking instant.

I bend down and put my head at the top of the first step and instead I decide to do a forward roll down the steps instead. I hit my tailbone on the way down and know that if I didn't break it there is gonna be a big ass bruise hopefully in the shape of a penis. 

I get to the bottom of the steps and limp into the kitchen where my mom was calling me from. I see some dried cuum left on her shirt and I start to think about what a nasty bitch she is and also how I wish my useless boyfriend was getting dried j!zz on my back! But no, he left me with his just as useless asshole of a best friend. 

My mom points to some dishes in the sink and raises her eyebrow at me "Honey you had some moldy food in the fridge that I dumped out and put your dirty dishes in the sink. You need to clean your dishes when you get a chance." she gives me a condescending smile.

 I take a deep breathe because the level of disrespect that I just got from my mother was honestly too much for me to handle in one day. I calmly respond with "Why did you take my food out of the refrigerator in the first fucking place?" I give her a pointed look

"Well we ordered pizza last night for our event and we needed to make room in the refrigerator so we threw your food out." I don't think she realizes how dumb she sounds so I try to give her the benefit of the doubt but honestly I don't think she has a brain in her skull.

"So you take MY food out of the fridge and create dirty dishes that YOU say I need to clean but you're the one that made the dishes dirty in the first place by taking MY FUCKING FOOD and dumping it in THE FUCKING TRASH. You're a piece of shit mom and you're dumb as fuck. Don't come to me and tell me to clean up a mess you made because you needed to make room for your pizza from your orgy. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE." I swear to god I'm about to fuck this bitch up.

"Honey I'm just saying that I would like for you to clean up your mess" 

"Even though I didn't make the mess? MOM GET OFF MY DICK HONESTLY YOU'VE BEEN SUCKING MY DICK FOR SO LONG THAT IT IS STARTING TO HURT. LIKE I HAVE NO MORE SPERM TO GIVE YOU SO YOU NEED TO STOP SUCKING ON IT. Clean the fucking shit and don't bother me for some dumbass bullshit ever again. I can't believe God would bless me with a mother as stupid and inconsiderate as you. Fuck off... Please and Thank you". I smile and give her a little curtsy and remove myself from the situation before I can't control my actions and Satan takes over again.


Jake pulls up at my house later with Oscar and they both get in the car. I really don't want him to be here but I know I have to give him the fucking to his car back. I grabs his keys off the kitchen table and run to the front door. I open it franticly and chuck Oscars keys out at him and they hit Jake's windshield and make a big crack in the front. I see this happen but I don't care I slam my front door and lock it and slide down the front in hopes that they didn't see me. 

Unfortunately they still approach my front door and Jake knocks on the fucking door. I scream as loud as I can until my throat hurts and I stick my head out of the doggy door and look up at both of them.

"What do you bitches want? I've had a bad day." I give them a bored look and wait for their answers.

"We need to talk" Jake says to me. "I know you fucked Oscar."

What the actual fuck.


Hey bitches. Don't say shit to me okay? I know its been five years but you can mind your business okay?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause we are gonna start getting back into the groove of things so whatever.

love, Billyh

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