Chris Chambers Imagine

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You and Chris had only been friends for about a month when it happened. Chris, Gordie and you were playing cards.

"I knock" Chris stated. "30" you rolled your eyes.

"12" you said.

"Piss up a rope" Said Gordie. Chris and you laughed at Gordie. "Screw you guys, I'm going to buy a magazine"

"Alright Shithead" Chris yelled jokingly causing both you and him to laugh.

Chris dealt the cards.

"I knock" you say. "I got 25"

"I got 27" He replied.

"Cheater" You accused.

"No, I promise. It's just my talent." Chris Replied.

"Cocky Piece of shit" I said to him, Punching his arm, causing us to both laugh.

"(Y/N)?" Chris asked.

"Yeah...?" you replied.

"Can I try something?" he asked.

"As long as you don't hurt me" you replied.

"I won't" He crossed his heart and kissed his pinky. "Pinky swear"

"Alright what did you want to try?" you asked. Chris leaned towards you and kissed you. your eyes were wide with shock, even though his lips were soft like flower petals. Chris pulled away.

"I'm sorry" Chris apologized. "I shouldn't have done it."

"Chris..." you whispered, and stuttered. You were leaning over to kiss him, when you heard the secret knock. Chris was about to open the door when you stopped him, and you lightly pushed him back a bit. Then you kissed him. He was in shock when your lips collided, but suddenly kissed back. He pulled away a smile plastered across his face.

"Hey, What the hell are you two doing up there?" Gordie yelled. Chris opened the trapdoor, and Gordie climbed through.

"What was so important it took you like a minuet to open the door?" Gordie asked. You blushed a bit.

"We were just in the middle of a game" Chris said looking at you.

"A Card game?" Gordie asked. You giggled quietly.

"Sure, Gordo" Chris laughed.


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