Chapter 7

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Tris POV

Yesterday, Tobias looked happy and so did the boys so maybe this will work out after all. When I get to school I walk fast done the hallway, I'm the usual happy but then I see a glance of Tobias' face, I feel something, I feel butterflies in my stomach, floating around and I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster that never stops. He is with Will, Chris, and Zeke. I jog to them and they say little hi's to me and I say little hi's backs.

"And then Will got super drunk-" Chris start saying but Will kisses her to shut her up.

"I think that would be a bad Idea to share." Will says and Chris laughs.

"I think it would be lovely to tell about you throwing up." Chris says.

"What about you dirty dancing with me. You were drunk before me." He smirks and she blushes.

"But I got sober at the end! Did I mention where he threw up? I can't count because he threw up every ten minutes. On the couch, in my car, in his sink. The list goes on and on." She says and he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, guys. There's a party this weekend and Matthew's house. Does anyone wan to go?" Zeke asks.

"I'm in." Chris says.

Will whispers something in her ear and she gasps then elbows him.

"I'm in too." Tobias says.

"I'll do it." Will says fixing his shirt.

"I'm really not a party person." I say biting my lip.

"Oh, c'mon. It'll be fun." Chris says shaking me.

"I really-" I start saying.

"We will all be there, it will be alright." Zeke says.

"Okay." I sigh and they hooray for me.


"So what type a party is it?" Marlene asks.

"Fun and drunk." Zeke says and I cringe.

"Is there a pool?" Shauna asks.

"Yep. He has like the most money ever." Uriah says.

"Me and Will are almost half way threw the animal project. What about you guys?" Chris asks.

"Were not very far, we do other stuff  than that." Uriah says and Marlene swats him.

"We do NOT do what your thinking." Marlene assures us.

"Were half way but the project is do on the 7 of December so we have time to hang out instead." Zeke says

"Yep." Shauna smiles, and kisses Shauna.

"Me and Four are half way done too." I say and think of us eating pizza.

"What animal do you have?" Tobias asks Will.

"Hammer head shark." Will smiles.

"We have a king cobra." Zeke says "And guess who's afraid of them?" He looks at Uriah who is sitting very close to Marlene, we al laugh.

"We got a giraffe." Marlene smiles and Uriah sits backup.

"I didn't know ninja's where afraid of Cobra's." I say and he glares at me but in a friendly manner not a mean one.

I love Wednesdays, it's not to hot and not to cold, I love it, just right, which is today, the sun is out but there are a few clouds. After eating lunch with my friends, I go to the garden and walk around then sit at a bench and smell a rose next to me.

"Hey." I hear a voice behind me, it's Tobias.

"Hi." I say.

"So, why don't you like parties?" He asks sitting next to me.

"A year ago, I went to a party and got drunk and it was a horrible experience, I could barley see, I was cringing when Chris and Will talked about it. I never want to get drunk again." I say biting my lip.

"I can help you not get drunk." Tobias offers me.

"And how's that?" I ask with that flirty feeling.

"I can be next to you the whole time and if you get drunk, I will drive you to my house and we go threw my window, I have a ladder." He says.

"A ladder. Your afraid of heights, to remind you." I say.

"Not when it comes to a friend like you." He says and butterflies storm around my stomach.

"Thanks," I smile "If i do anything dumb it's going to be because I'm drunk."

"You have one or none beer." He says.

"Alright." I nod.


Tobias POV

After school, I get in my car and drive, not very far i see a girl walking, as i am a gentleman... not, i pull up beside her. She turns her head, it's Tris, her hazel eyes are so beautiful "Why are you walking?"

"My brother had to leave so my mom told me to take a bus or something." She says

"Hop in." I say and she smiles.

"Thanks." She says.

"No problem." I say.

"So, maybe we could hag out tomorrow or something?" I ask.

"Maybe, the weekend. I'll be dead tired at the party so Sunday is preferable." She says and I turn streets.

"Sound's good." I say.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask her.

"Blue," She laughs and I remember her room "Yours?"

"I like green." I say.

"I like light pink and lime green together." She says.

"What are you doing later today?" I ask her.

"Homework. I have to do it when I get home then take a shower and make dinner." She sighs and I imagine her body, her thin skin but it's strong, her legs, the soft touch of her legs, and her arms wrapped around me, I wonder how that would feel.

"Tobias? Tobias? Tobias!" She says blinking away my thoughts.

"I said, what are you doing later?" She asks.

"Oh- I make a snack, do my homework, go to the gym at 6:00 then get home at 8:00 to 8:30 and eat dinner then shower." I say.

"My mom worries that if were not educated then were not smart, and if were not smart then we won't go to college, and we won't get married, and then we will be homeless and die. That is the scariest thing I have heard from her, and she is a really nice lady." She laughs and I try not to smile but a little smile creeps up my mouth.

"So..." I say turning on our street.

"Thanks for the ride again." She says.

"Yeah. Anytime." I say.

"Thanks, bye." She says and walks to her doors and waves then disappears into her house, I could see a little of her hardwood floor but not much. I park my car, my dads car isn't here again so I go up through the front door and grab some chips and head upstairs. While I run upstairs my phone rings and the number says "Tris".

"Hello?" I answer.

"Want to study together?" She asks.

"Sure. I'll be right over." I say.

"Okay, bye." She says and ends the call.

"Okay," I whisper to myself...


Hello guys! So please follow me on vine at x.diveregnt.x because I just made an edit that I will post in a few days so yeah. I hope you liked the update and the book so please PLEASE comment below your thoughts on the book. Thanks ily all so much and bye :)



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