Chapter 16 - The Beating

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When we get to my house, I bring her up to my room and then let her borrow my long blue plaid shirt and I know tomorrow is the day i'll be getting beat up by my dad. She is very tired so I cover her up and then get her a ice pack and some tea.

When she wakes up she is so sleepy that I can barely see her pupils.

"Four? What happened?" She asks.

"Oh well- You had sex with a random guy, watched me take a shower, made me be naked, threw up on me, kicked me in the nuts." I cross my arms, each word I say makes her eyes pop more.

She begins to cry and I calm her down.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask and hold her hand.

"I'm such a horrible girlfriend." Her tears pour out.

"No your not! But you can't be here. My dad will beat me tomorrow and see you." I say.

"But..." She looks at me.

"It's not something you want to see." He says.

"I'll leave then." She says and I help her down the ladder.

"Goodbye Tobias." She smiles and kisses my lips and leaves.


The next day, it is Sunday and I am about to sneak out but I hear Marcus trail the belt as he walks to my door and opens it. My throat ties in a knot and I stare him in the eye. He smiles at me, a mean and evil smile.

"Take off your shirt." He commands, as I take off my shirt, I see Tris watch and I feel worried.

He pushes me to the ground and he yanks back his whip and snaps me on my ribcage.

I groan as the blood stings as the mark turns purple in seconds.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I cry out.

He kicks my stomach a couple of times till it hurts.

"You made your mother leave me. Now get up!" He orders and I obey but slowly because my body hurts so much.

He bangs my head on the door and I see Tris' eyes start to water, my head begins to feel dizzy and my eyes blur out. He says things that I don't understand what he is trying to say. He places his hand on my throat and pushes it high against the wall- lifting me up- and squeezes my neck too.

After seconds of trying to gasp for air he lets go and I fall.

"Tris..." I mumble to low for him to hear.

"What?" He asks and it's silent.

"Stop watching." I feel confused.

He strikes me with 3 whips.

I then black out after I hear the door slam.


Tris POV

I run up the ladder and climb through as I try wiping my tears away.

"Tobias? Tobias. Tobias!" I cry but not too loud.

I bring an ice pack and so I put him on his bed and put the ice pack on his forehead.

After a few minutes of calling his name, he looks up and his eyes begin to unblur.

"Tris, what are you doing?" He asks and sits up.

"Shhh. Your dad just beat you." I cover my mouth and cry softly.

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