Clearing up Rumours

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Dedicated to zeinarry because of her awesome comments on twitter to me and for voting for every single chapter :D thank you so much!


Chapter Twelve

My mouth was agape as I looked towards Zayn. He just sat there with a blank expression on his face. 

"Say something you idiot!" I thought before I looked towards Harry. He obviously hadn't seen any magazines yet and he looked extremely confused. There was also hurt in his eyes, I could see it from where I was standing and I just wanted to run up to him and hug him and comfort him. I never wanted to see that hurt in his eyes ever again. 

Zayn glanced over at me and then looked down at Harry. 

"No she's not. You can't believe everything you see or read in the media." He said and shrugged. Harry looked over at me and I could see the hurt had vanished from his eyes. He gave a small shrug and a weak smile before turning back to the interview.  

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you holding her hand?" The male host asked and I immediately wanted to hit him. Could they just change the subject already? Please. Zayn seemed stuck and looked over at me for help. 

"I'm clumsy! Remember?" I tried to mouth to him, but he still couldn't understand me so I had to pretend to trip over a few times before he got it. 

"She's just not used to having cameras flash in her face. I held her hand to lead her into a car. I caught her when she fell over because he couldn't see where she was going. Perrie is still my girlfriend." He said and you could see the disappointment on the faces of the television hosts. They clearly wanted to be the first to get the "inside scoop" but that just wasn't going to happen. 

Harry looked a bit cheered up and pulled a face at me before rolling his eyes. I giggled and rolled my eyes back at him. He turned back to the cameras but all I wanted to do was end this interview and give him a comforting hug. 

The rest of the questions were just predictable and I wondered who even wrote them? 

"How are you liking New Zealand?"  

An appropriate answer to that would be something like this; 

"Oh, well, it's small, cold and always raining and er, that's it."  

But no, the boys all said it was lovely and the people were really nice. I knew after seeing enough of their interviews that they said this about pretty much every country they visited.  

But the hosts seemed happy to hear their answers and after way too long, they finally let the boys leave. As soon as Harry reached me I hugged him and buried my face into the crook of his neck. 

"Demi, it's alright, it'll be alright," He said rubbing a comforting hand against my back.  

"We cleared up the rumours, I just didn't know there were any to begin with." He said and pulled me back to inspect my face.  

"I saw a few magazines, I should have told you." I said feeling guilty.  

At least nobody knew the truth about Zayn and I, it was all just speculation at the moment and I could deal with that. And I decided that speculation was all it could be from now on. I never wanted to see Harry hurt again.  

"No you shouldn't have had to tell me, it's stupid the way they make things up." He said and took my hand as we started to walk to the car.  

I saw Zayn scoff and look at me. He was obviously pissed off because I wasn't telling Harry about our kiss, or our almost kiss last night. I decided I needed to get him alone and talk things through with him. Zayn tore his gaze away from me and walked ahead of us. Harry stayed oblivious to anything.

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