Sequel ...?

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Okay , so I said that I was gonna write a sequel , buuut , it's hard to try to find something to write about . One girl that read this , I can't remember your username but you know who you are , she suggested that I put Keaton more into the story ,  and put some drama in there and all that good stuff . It was gonna be like a "depressing" theme at first and have Chloe and Wesley break up or whatever because of fans . (Just gave away the sequel if I'm actually gonna do it .) But like , I'm having a really hard time trying to write it , and plan it out , and try to have all the characters in it and stuff , but damn . This is really hard . So if you guys want a sequel that bad , please comment or inbox me with ideas or something .

I was thinking , maybe if one of you or a couple of you are good at writing , we could like ooVoo or something and then you could help me write . If I do decide to do this , every chapter would be dedicated to each of you . So , say three people help me write it , chapter one would be dedicated to one person , chapter two for the next person , and then chapter three for the last person . I would just keep putting the same people over and over until the story is finished . Do you get what I'm trying to say ? I hope so lol . But if I do ooVoo some of you , just to let you know ahead of time , I'm a really freaking awkward person . So , if you wanna like have a conversation and get to know me as a person , and not just some random girl that write crappy fanfictions and puts them online for 2,000 people to read , you have to ask me questions . I'll probably ask you the same questions , but yeah . I'm a really shy person .

I got really off topic right there but it was kinda relevant to yeah . Um , so tell me what you think . Inbox me , comment , anything you wanna do . I wanna write something that will pull you guys in . I wanna make it interesting . Thank you so much for reading Chloe , and thank you for enjoying it if you did . I love you all .  Byeeeee .

- K . M . C

(Btw , I'm gonna be signing off these little things with my initials for now on , and you'll figure out my name later . If you already know it from when you first followed me or clicked on my profile when I had my name on it , then don't say it please . You will find out my name very , very , very soon .)

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