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"Dammit!" he yelled. Fear and shame coursed through my blood filled veins as my father; the king slammed his fists onto the table of the grand hall.

"How could this happen? Why did this happen?!"

"You...!" His accusing stare pierced through me. I winced.

"You knew how important this was! We had the advantage over the Kingdom of Drakna and now we don't! Do you mind further explaining how this came to pass?"

"I-I told her to go to post three, sir." My voice wavered.

"And a whole lot good that did!"

"Unacceptable!" he paced, trying to reign in his rage.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered hoarsely.

"If they find out that we had his daughter..." he stopped pacing and pounded the table again. The loud impact echoed off the gray, stone walls. The colourful, stained glass on either side of the hall, rattled. 

He then turned to me and rammed his hand into my shoulder. My back slammed into the wall close behind me. I cried out as sharp pains shot up my spine and shoulder. I looked away, my eyes glazed with fear.

"Look at me, when I'm speaking to you!" he hissed. I looked up, a single tear betrayed me and trickled down my cheek.

"And apparently, we cannot defend the kingdom against a few demons and measly mutts. How are we going to defend and attack against an army of them?!" he gritted his teeth.

"I refuse to believe how low my kingdom has stooped, and along with it... my daughter." his glare bore down onto my tall, lanky body. It was times like these during my father's rages that his words could reduce me to the size of an ant.

"You have failed me."

"May... may I be excused?" I choked.

"And don't ever enter my sight until you recover Etelle" he boomed.

It took all my control not to burst out of the room in a mess of tears, instead, I took a few rigid steps to the door. I did not risk glancing back towards my father, for I wished not to face his wrath if he dared change his mind. 

Father used to be a good man, that was until Etelle came, I thought bitterly. For the longest time I denied these thoughts, but denying the truth does not make it go away. It was stupid of me to think we could get along, the wicked infant brought nothing but pain and misery to all, including her own mother. 

If she hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have been beaten countless times by my father, my mother would still be alive and we would not be at war with the opposing kingdom. She was a walking, living curse, one I would cut down if necessary for the sake of my father's happiness.

She was no sister of mine, and she would be a fool to continue believing that.

Unknown's Pov*

"Alarick," I purred in a sickly sweet voice.

"What?" he snapped.

"Is that any way to treat your betrothed?" I pouted.

"I told you already Vanessa-"

"Oh, I was just playing," I grinned. I studied him in amusement as his brow furrowed.

"This isn't a game Vanessa, this is serious," he growled. I feigned mock hurt.

"Serious enough not to visit your fiance?" I gasped.

"As a matter of fact- Yes." My hands clenched behind my back.

"Aww- C'mon baby, don't be like that," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, and pulling my face inches apart from his. I leaned in.

"Well sorry, I am being like that." he removed my arms from his body, his handsome features distorted in disgust. Frustration built up behind my calm exterior.

"Playing hard to get, are we?" I cooed, playing with his collar.

"You know me well enough to know I do not roll dice for any game, much less play one," he said.

"I was just thinking you need to relax, and loosen up a little, I promise a fun time." I winked, biting my bottom lip.

"Vanessa, you may have the king wrapped around your finger, but I will not play fool to any of your tricks."

"If you so much as look at the king the wrong way, I will kill you," he said. It wasn't so much a promise as it was a guarantee. I wasn't getting anywhere with Alarick, but eventually, he would become a pawn in my game of chess. No one could resist me for long.

"Lamenta Cosious Namera" a shadow flitted from my lips in the form of a bird, and fluttered after Alarick, it's wispy form disappearing into his body.

But if what they say is true... then I have a whole different game on my hands, one with the princess of the crimson flames of hell, herself. The bitch who ruined my plans seven years ago.

Kingdom of Sicarius: The Fight for FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now