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     A lone howl awakened me from my light slumber. I jolted awake as more howls joined the lone call. I glanced around in panic and alarm. I flailed but then realized my restraints were still intact. I gazed pleadingly at Rauwan's broad back, praying that he would interpret my stare and release me. He merely narrowed his eyes and surveyed the area around us. He dug his heels into the horse's girth, urging him to go faster. Soon the howls grew much closer, almost deafening to our ears. I began to catch glimpses of fur amidst the rustling bushes. Long, low growls were heard.

Suddenly, a large blur of motion erupted from the bushes and dashed in front of the cart. Rauwan hastily yanked back on the leather reigns and the horse reared upon its hind legs, a frightful screech of fear seethed from its clenched teeth. I gasped and clutched onto the railing of the cart as it swerved and jostled about. When the cart did come to still, I noticed I was trembling. 

Several wolves surrounded the cart from all sides. They were not ordinary wolves, no. Not many 'ordinary' wolves existed in the first place. They were much too small and not as aggressive as other predators that inhabited the area. 

Werewolves, however, were a different story. Each werewolf was about the size of the disgruntled horse that pulled the makeshift carriage I was tethered to. They had long claws, and cruelly shaped canines, that tore through flesh like paper, the wound on my shoulder was proof of that. Rauwan dismounted the horse and trotted around the side of the cart, shielding me from the bright hungry eyes of the massive wolves.

"Brother Muraco- What brings you to the Forest of Tenebrae?" chirped a voice. The voice was quickly hushed as another authoritative voice spoke. 

"State what business you have here or suffer the consequences, the wrath of the Caligo Tribe!" a more authoritative voice growled. A huge gray wolf emerged from the shadows of the foliage. The bushes seemed to rustle on either side of the path and I occasionally glimpsed a pair of yellow orbs glaring at me from all sides. 

The forest of Tenebrae was one of the great ancient forests of the continent. There were four forests, but after the great war seven years ago, a portion of the continent to the North-west had been lost and considered 'Badlands', which included the Nubila Forest. The other three forests were named, the Gamma Forest, the Silva Forest, and the Tenebrae Forest. Each forest was guarded by the creatures of the sun and moon. 

I had heard some forest dwellers tell stories that you could hear the soil humming, the wind whistling, and the willows whispering as if the forest were alive. If you were lucky, you could catch a note of the song, the song sung by the heart of the forest. They said that if one cut down a tree, the person would receive a cut themselves, that if one hunted for want and not need, they would be hunted by the most fearsome creature of the darkest depths of the forest, that the forest would mourn the loss of those who perched within its sturdy branches and those who burrowed within its thick roots.

"What purpose do you serve by coming here?" he asked, his voice was soothing, calm and authoritative. It was comparable to a tea of both sharp, yet enveloping flavors with only a touch of honey and a light sprinkle of sugar.

"We mean no harm, Hania of many spirits." Rauwan bowed his head low with respect.

"I am here on Lord Larucian's business. I am to deliver something safely to Regia Puella." He said, humbly.

"The lord's business, huh?" Hania murmured to himself, pawing absently at the forest floor.

"Sounds serious," he concluded. Rauwan made a move to remount his horse.

"-But... I didn't say you could leave." He flinched, his eyes widening.

"Won't you stay for the feast?"

"Your people miss you dearly."

"And I miss them too."

"Unfortunately, that is not an option as of the moment," Rauwan replied hastily, wincing slightly. Panic was only slightly apparent in his voice.

"Why not?"

"I-I don't have time for this... I am not part of the tribe anymore, I have no obligation to meet your commands." He shifted uncomfortably.

"And I have no obligation to obey Larucian. After all... he's your lord, not mine." Hania's yellow eyes glinted dangerously. An air of hostility encroached upon the small clearing.

"We should go-" I interrupted. Glancing uneasily at the moving shadows that circled the cart.

"Who said you could speak?" Rauwan barked. I bit down hard on my lip. Beads of perspiration slowly traveled down the side of his forehead.

"Now, now Muraco, that is no way to treat a woman."

"We taught you better, your mother, Dena, would be very disappointed." Hania gave his gray head a shake.

"Too bad she's dead." Rauwan gritted his teeth, his hair stood on end. His expression was absolutely livid. A dangerous fire was lit within his almond shaped eyes. 

Suddenly, a large red wolf lunged for me. I barely managed to swing my torso to the side to evade the beasts' snapping jaws. Instead, its teeth tore through the rope that bound my wrists to the cart. In a frenzy, the wolves converged upon the clearing. Rauwan's form was lost under a mass of writhing bodies. 

I leaped onto the cart and fumbled with the pole strap the connected the horse's harness to the cart. I ducked in order to avoid a wolf that pounced toward me with outstretched claws. 

At last, I finally tugged the stead free from the cart and shifted onto its saddle. With a sudden burst of energy, the black beauty reared and took off at a blinding pace. His long black mane whipped at my face and tears stung my eyes.

I could have been riding the horse for minutes or hours, I couldn't quite grasp the concept of time yet. The stallion began to slow as exhaustion took over its weary limbs. My eyelids began to slip and threaten to close forever. 

A single outline of a building came into view through my darkening vision. 

The animal's chest expanded with every breath, feeding another gulp of air into its lungs. The horse's legs folded beneath its body weight and the stallion slumped to the ground, trapping my right leg beneath him. I cursed the bloody animal under my breath and pulled at my crushed leg. Sharp pains shot up and down my leg, a groan escaped my lips. 

I yanked my leg many times, slowly making progress, inch by inch until my crippled limb was free. I tried to stand up to no avail and proceeded to crawl. I dug my fingernails into the soil and dragged my body closer and closer to my destination. 

The pine needle forested floor eventually gave way to green grass and the trees in front of me were replaced with a beautiful manor. 

Golden vines swirled upwards upon a black, polished door. I reached out a battered arm and rapped weakly on the doors three times. Seconds later the doors opened to reveal a fuzzy figure. I tried to distinguish their features, but no matter how hard I tried, my world was washed into darkness. A peaceful slumber.

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