{The Fifty-Four Pillars}

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Etelle's POV*

        The sharp smell of spices invaded my nostrils and cleared my dulled senses. My eyelids were heavy with sleep and a stale taste lingered upon my tongue. I managed a groan and a measly cough out of my parched throat. I had had the same dream again.

"Hey, are you alright?" My heart leaped within my chest and my body jolted. My head came into contact with a hard surface that had my vision splotched with patches of black for a few moments. "Ow!" Someone yelped.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." A feminine voice apologized profusely.

"Ugh..." I moaned, clutching my head in my hands. 

I glanced up through my parted fingers. A pair of red eyes peered at me, mere millimeters from my face. "Gah!" Our skulls collided again. "Oh, damn. Sorry-" I cussed repeatedly. 

"It's alright," she groaned. Her pale, slender fingers rubbed her round forehead. The woman's cheeks were tinged pink with embarrassment. Heavenly blonde curls framed her heart-shaped face and honey coloured lashes shielded her ruby-red irises. She had pale pink lips that were drawn into a thin, weary smile. She wore a red and gold dress with long red sleeves, a flowing skirt, and a laced bodice.

"Where am I?" I asked. A single elegant chandelier lit the high-ceiling room. Candelabras shone in the farther corners of the spacious room. On the farther side of the rectangular room was a large mahogany dining table with five chairs on each side and one on each end. The table was set with silverware, glasses, and shiny, white plates. My body was draped across a plush beige couch with simple swirled designs upon its fabric. My head rested against a fluffy pillow and a thin, yellow blanket rested over my aching limbs.

"You are currently taking refuge on my estate. I found you unconscious at my door yesterday evening." The girl explained. I let the information sink in. I exhaled a long breath.

My neck flushed with the uncomfortable warmth of my embarrassment. "I hope I am not causing you and your household any trouble." I said apologetically.

"No, not at all. I rather like the company actually." She smiled brightly, "It gets rather lonely here, all by myself."

"You live here alone?" I scrunched up my nose. She nodded wordlessly in reply.

"What's your name?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Etelle," I grinned.

"My name is Regia, Regia Puella." her smile brightened, while mine faltered.

  I had heard that name before. In the woods! It had been Rauwan who mentioned the name. I was supposed to be delivered here...  How could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't have given her my name so easily. I mentally berated myself.

"Regia... Puella?" I croaked, affirming her identity. She nodded again. Maybe she hasn't heard my name yet, I could just act as another passerby and-

"There's no use trying to deceive me, I already know who you are." Regia's voice chimed.

"Rauwan's right over there," she said, nodding to the other side of the room. I followed her gaze to the boyish figure that leaned against the wall. Large scratches trailed upwards on his exposed arms. His left arm was now in a sling and was placed against his chest. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were ringed with dark circles.

"She's awake?" he croaked.

"Yeah, she's been up for only a few minutes." She said gently, her eyes softened. I watched as the both of them locked eyes and engaged in a silent conversation of battling emotions.

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