Chapter 1

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My name is Jazz Lockwood i am 18 years old, and the youngest of five boys theirs Jason is 28 he is the next alpha of our pack,

then max he will be the beta and Jason's twin they both stand at 6"10' with dark brown hair and hazel eyes they have already found their mates jasons mate is called sky she has orange red hair and blue eyes while max's mate is called Bella she has blond hair and brown eyes.

The 3rd boy is Blake is 25 he has dark brown hair with near black eyes he stands at 6"5' the forth is Matt is 20 he stands at 6" and has light brown hair with green eyes

the fifth is Danny he is 19 and stands at 6" the last three have yet to find their mates as for me

im 18 mateless I have black hair and blood red eye and stand at a good 5"4' I have scares all over my body and I can be a bit crazy at times and my wolfs name is night.

My pack try's to help me but I know they are scared of me but can you blame them i attack anyone, talk to my self and try to hurt my self.

My father and mother pray for me to find my mate hopping he will help me but little did they know that he would reject me, but thats ok I'm free now and by free i mean I'm in a cell the only place I'm comfy i don't blame my family for putting me here im a danger to this pack and my self

Crazy, rejected and freeWhere stories live. Discover now