Chapter 4

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After my wolf gave me back control my father told me i had to leave with james as he is my mate, my brothers didn't want me to go with him they knew he didn't know how to control me but i told them that this is my fate and to let me go, so now i'm sitting in the car with James and his driver, James nodded to his driver and with that the driver started the car and drove off, i looked back to see mt family and some pack members waving goodbye I waved back with a sad smile

"i'll introduce you to the pack when we get home" James told me i nodded and looked around as my pack disappeared my wolf night whimpered 'are you ok night?' i asked her 'we only just got back here' which was true when i was kidnapped they kept me there for years when i turn 17 they would let me run around in wolf form but not for long 6 months after my birthday i excepted and made it home, my family where so happy to have me back that they threw a party that night, not knowing that i would attack from the colors or sounds no one died which was good but that night my family and pack where scared of me but they tried to help, the color pink was placed places i was not aloud to go, every other color was fine but not pink, when i was kidnapped they made it so that when i was about to be torchered they would show the color pink now when ever i see pink i cower away.

I started to fall asleep after three hours i was woken up by james making me growl lowly at him "we are here jazz" Opening my eyes i looked around to see many pack members around the car, stepping out of the car every one broke out in to whispers, they where wondering who i was, but it's ok i would be too if someone new just hopped out of the car with their alpha, i looked at james how seemed to be glaring at every one making me frown 'isn't the alpha meant to look happy at their pack?'

i asked night 'i believe so, maybe he just doesn't want to look soft like how we didn't like to look weak when we got kidnapped' i nodded not noticing James speaking "are you coming or what" he snapped at me, i growled and walked over to him, he grabbed my arm and dragged me in side, and might i say he grip was painful. I was pushed into a room and huffed "there is a dress in the cupboard for you to wear" james said as he shut the door, walking over to the cupboard i opened the door to see a pink dress making me whimper and move away quickly,

i guess mum and dad didn't tell him much about me, behind the dress was another dress this one was black and short at the front and long at the back, i grabbed another coat hanger to get the dress with out having to touch the pink one once i had the black dress i slammed the door shut and stipped my clothes and got into the dress.

Once dressed i opened the door to see james standing there waiting, his eyes scanned my body before grabbing my arm and dragging me down the stairs, i let out a low growl but he ignored it, he stopped at a glass door "stay here, when I say your name you walk out the door and come to me got it?" I nodded, james walk out the door and shut it.

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