Time To Go

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I packed all my things in record time and was turning around ready to storm out when a huge shadow blocks the doorway. I try to shoulder pass this a$$wipe, but I was quickly reminded that he is the King of all alphas so... to say the least I effed up.

He punched me in the gut so hard that it sent me straight to my knees. I'm not sure what hurt worse the fact that it felt like he tried to punch a hole through me or that the one person that's supposed to love me no matter what even if I did reject him, hit me.

"Do you think your getting away from me that easy I will lock you here forever as my slave before I let you leave." Your slave oh hell nah.

"Your right I'm sorry alpha would you ever forgive me?" I whisper in fake submission.

His eyes slowly faded back to his normal color and a arrogant smirk was plastered on his face.

"Of course, love. I almost forgive you for your lack of better judgment, but for causing me pain I must punish you in someway." He said thoughtfully. Then I guess he figured out what he wanted to do to me by snapping his fingers and making an ah sound.

"The only thing that I can think of that could hurt you the way you hurt me by rejecting me, is having sex with another female while you watch." He says with so much malice that I don't even recognize the man standing in front of me.

My wolf wants to tear him apart and doesn't understand why I'm taking his bull and she wants to take over to teach him something he won't forget.

'Shh I have a plan don't worry everything will be OK we will get out of here before that happens.'

'Ok I'm going to trust you but I'm warning you if I have to watch his sleezy a$$ with someone other than me I'm gonna make his life hell.'

'Hahaha calm down just bear with me for a little longer.'

'Fine, and I blocked him out while we talked so it's all clear.'

'Thanks.' I'm so blessed to have a wolf as awesome as Tina.

"Yes I think that's only fair I hope after that, you will be able to forgive me." I said with so much fake hope and sadness while speaking with my head down showing submission.

"I think by then I shall find it in me to forgive you, I guess, but I will not tolerate this behavior from you again. That's a promise." He said in a warning tone, D*ckhead.

"Yes sir never again." I add a little whimper in my voice to really sell it. He must have really bought it too, he walks over and pats my head.

"Good girl." He says and turns and walks out the room. As I hear his footsteps grow distant and hear the front door slam I run to the window to see if he is really leaving.

Sure enough he was he sped off down the road....time for action. I jump up and race down stairs start a fire and burn all my clothes because I have to travel light, but then thought why not and through half his clothes in the fire. I turn into my white wolf with a silver shimmering dagger shaped birth mark on my back and take off into the woods and keep running never looking back. All I have is me, myself, and all my hidden money.

◆◇◆◇◆5 days of running later◆◇◆◇◆

I haven't eaten in what feels like forever and the little sips of water I take every once in a while, aren't cutting it. I need to rest and regroup and start fresh tomorrow.

I come to see a red painted line on the ground, my wolf and I stare confused from our state of hunger so we did the only logical thing...we crossed it............ BIG MISTAKE.

Alarms went off everywhere and in seconds I hear howls and all of a sudden I have the energy to run for 5 more days. I take off in the opposite direction of all the chaos, but I don't get to far before I feel them nipping at my heels....Great.

I push myself to go faster and faster until I hear them growing more distant I zig zag around trees and shift quickly to my human form and climb the biggest tree I could find and I'm all the way at the top when I hear them crashing towards me.

I watch them run right past my tree I wait what feels like 10 minutes and jump down, shift back and run west until I find somewhere secluded where I can I rest for a while.

When I finally wake up its dark out, like it has to be about 3am in the morning. I check my surroundings and see I'm alone, and this is where I let the tears go, this is where I realize something. I'm truly and completely all alone.


She won't be alone for long guys so don't worry everything is all good.
Oh and i feel like the picture was completely boss just wanted to say that lol.

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