Why So Perfect

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"Wow....."I mutter softly, but of course alpha ears over here heard it perfectly.

"I know babe just wait until you see our room"he boasts.

'Great here we go with this again' I say sarcastically to Tina(my wolf).

'Well to be honest I would like to sleep with him... Just sleep.' Tina says but the last part was a little unsure.

'What the why was there a pause Missy'

'Well since we are being honest he is mind-blowingly sexy and with him being the alpha king he has all the power just oozing off of him... Oh lord did it get hot or is it just him.' she pants like she ran 10 miles

'Eww stop control yourself so I can control myself because I am well aware of all those muscles and power held in them.' Oh my goodness I need to stop.

' See you took it to a whole other level with the powerful muscle thing' she says smartly.

'Well she's not lying.' Kyle says to us.

"Oh my gosh I am setting up boundaries now. NO. MORE. SPYING."I shout at the injustice of it all.

"Haha, how bout u just snoop in my head to see what I'm think then we are even." He says with what looked like sincere innocence until I take a peek in his nasty, nasty mind. Let's just say by the scenes that played in his head of us you can tell he is a VERY experienced lover.

"You are disgusting." I huff. He chuckles.

"Yes but let's say I'm a seer and predicting the future." He says with a satisfied smirk as he picked me up and carried me up the steps to our room.

"No. No. No. No, I will not be doing none of that tonight." I say a little scared. I'm not ready for that yet.

"Baby no one is asking anything of you tonight we have plenty of time for all that I just want to hold you tonight." He whispers in the most caring voice he has used yet....swoon.

"Really?" I ask a little too hopeful, but am comforted by the deep rumble of his chest as he chuckles.

"Yes, really." He smiles down on me as we reach the top of the stairs and walk into a darkened room while he sets me down on the bed he kisses my head and says, "I'm going to hop in the shower I have some shirts in the top drawer." He points over to his dresser,"but I wanted to make sure I extended the invitation to you to feel free to come join me in the shower whenever you would like." He says with his eyes darkening turning into a lustful stare.

"Oh thanks for the invitation but I will have to hold out this time." I say smiling at the instant pout that formed on his kissalbe red lips. "Goo." I say pushing his chest towards the bathroom.

I will definitely be using that invitation soon as I watch him swagger to the bathroom knowing I'm watching him.

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