{2} Foreign

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(Dimitri ^^)

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Bye :D


Writing term papers was bad enough, but having to write a term paper right before a date? That's even worse. I had an hour until Lilly would come to pick me up, and I hadn't even considered the thought of 'getting ready'. If I didn't do well on this paper, I didn't do well in the class. If I didn't do well in the class, I didn't do well in life. And we all know how that goes. I'll end up a hobo. Are hobo's still a thing?

Eventually, my phone buzzed, knocking me out of my state of pure concentration (obviously fueled by heaps of caffeine).

from Lil's

I hope you're getting ready...

Should I just cancel?

from Lil's

And don't even THINK about canceling. I'm already on my way, just to make sure you're getting ready :) Be there soon babe.

Well, shit. I almost forgot what it was like to have a life long friend know almost exactly what your next step was.

Where's the fun in that?

I conjured up a bullshit of a closing paragraph before slamming my laptop shut, hoping it was good enough for Professor Shithead. I jumped up and made my brunette hair look less of a mess by curling the ends, knowing that trying to straighten them was futile. My face remained more or less the same, aside from a bit of eyeliner, blush and lipstick. I was never too crazy about makeup, especially when I was going to be active. By the end of the night, I'd end up looking like the skull off a misfits album.

Now that the easy stuff was done, I had to rummage through my outfits. Dresses were a definite no, considering I will certainly fall on my ass a multitude of times, and I'd rather do that without flashing anybody. Nearly tearing my entire closet apart, I decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a cute floral tank top. I was never girly, so why don't I just play the part for a night? As if on cue, there was a knock on my door. I opened to reveal Lilly in the cutest maroon skater skirt, and a white shirt that revealed a sliver of her midriff. She looked sexy and cute all in one bundle, Adam was one lucky dude.

"Look at you," I complimented and greeted her with a hug."

"And you!" She giggled and stepped into my room. "Jesus, I didn't know you owned so much..."


"I was going to say color, in general."

"Oh, wow. Thanks," I muttered with a smirk, taking a long look in the mirror. "Do I look datable in this?"

She looked at me, wide eyed before actually flashing one of her world famous grins. "You always look datable, Skye! You're gorgeous, don't ever doubt that."

I smiled softly before looking at her, "And this outfit?"

"You look casual, but a cute casual..." she trailed off, eyeing my outfit for a long moment before turning to my dresser. "I think you could use one of these, oh! And these... And this'll top it off."

"I'm not ice cream, y'know."

"Just trust me!" she grinned and walked over to me. She dropped some studs in the palms of my hands, signaling for me to put them on while she closed a necklace around my neck. She had a point, these simple things really did up the outfit. After picking up some of the clothes I had hauled across the room, we were off for my first blind date (or regular date, for that matter) in a long, long time. Jesus, let's just hope I didn't screw this up.

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