{7} Confessions

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 After about three days of doing absolutely nothing, I pushed myself to stop doing nothing. It was time to do something with my life again! Despite the plea my abdomen screamed out every time I moved, I pulled myself off the bed and walked towards the dresser, taking a long look into the world. My brown hair was tied into one of the messiest ponytails I have ever laid my eyes upon, and the bags under my ivory eyes could have made me sadder than the fact that Lilly hasn't contacted me. It was terrifying, how sickly I looked. Maybe I should just stay in bed... Nobody deserves to be so scared over a face.

Verting my stare downwards, I spotted a note from Mena. Picking it up and opening the seal, my eyes scanned the words carefully:

Hey L.S.

You were asleep the last time I came by, so I just decided to write a note. Adam, Luca and I had to go out to run some errands. Dimitri and the rest of the pack should be somewhere on the grounds nearby, doing god knows what!!!! No doubt they're causing troubles! Anyways, I left a chance of clothes for you, and put some shampoo for girls in the bathroom. Feel free to make yourself some food! We should be home sometime tomorrow, if you're still here.

See you soon!


Never have I ever seen so many exclamation points in one letter, even if I regarded the fact that it was Mena writing this letter. She was bubblier than a four year old getting a new doll. Smiling and grabbing the change of clothes, I made my way to the shower and turned it on. As I let the water heat up, I ran my fingers through my ratty hair, my mind wandering off.

It's been three days since I tried to save Lilly, and she hasn't even texted me. I would have accepted any form of communication, even if it was just her asking me if I remembered where she put her hair straightener! And Dimitri... He's visited me a total of two times... in the last few hours! I met him less than a month ago, and he's shown more interest in my well being than Lilly ever had. All she cared about were boys...

Shaking my head, I stripped down and hopped into the shower, my wounds screaming out in pain as the otherwise soothing water traced over my skin. Yesterday, I met the doctor who stitched me up when I was unconscious; a sweet old lady... I wonder if she knew...

Of course she did! I seemed to be the only one on this side of the planet who didn't know about werewolves, it seemed! Everybody I knew was one! God damn...


Holding a hand over my wound, I made my way downstairs to see what the others were up too. I found myself in a cozy library next to the living room, walls and walls of books greeting me. My focus landed on a man sitting on a red velvet chair, his muscular back facing me. I smiled at the brown hair that curled at the ends. Dimitri.

Strolling over to him, I placed a hand on his shoulder and peered at the novel he was reading, "Hello."

Although he kept his eyes on the text, I saw the corners of his lips tug into a smile. His strong features were accented by an unusual pair of glasses--which looked insanely attractive on him. "I didn't know you wore glasses."

He moved his stare to mine, setting a bookmark into the novel, "I do. Just for reading, though."

"So, I'm guessing you have a pair for your werewolf form, too?" I joked, taking a seat on the armrest of his chair. He snickered at my poor joke, setting the book on his knee before taking his glasses off.

"Well, if I ever find myself wanting to read some Stephen King, or even some Edgar Allen Poe, while in my wolf form, I'll make sure I have a pair."

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