Part 2

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“Let’s make pancakes!” 15-year-old Camila exclaimed.

“What? Do you even know how to cook babe?” 16-year-old Lauren looked at her questioningly.

“Pff, no…, but we can try! We’ve seen Ally do it like a billion times. I learn from what I see,” Camila winked at Lauren turning around and running to the kitchen in the X-Factor mansion.

Lauren laughed and ran after Camila. She finally caught up to her in the kitchen, where Camila was already in the fridge looking for the ingredients. Lauren looked at her adoringly. Camila was her anchor, especially in the competition, and she never failed to make her smile. When Camila was in the counter, counting the eggs she needed, Lauren walked up behind her and put her arms around the other girl’s waist. “Are you sure you want to make pancakes? What if we use this alone time in the mansion for something else?” Lauren asked, biting her shoulder and then kissing Camila’s neck.

At this, Camila shivered, and turned around. “What do you have in mind?” she asked, grinning and coming closer to Lauren’s face, if possible.

Lauren smiled and leaned in, right before touching Camila’s lips with her own, she whispered, “Something like this…” and finally kissed Camila fully on the lips. The kiss started off with a few chaste kisses and pecks here and there, but it soon deepened. Camila’s tongue asked for entrance and Lauren quickly accepted. As the girls kissed, Camila was so lost in this dream that she didn’t realize when Lauren’s right hand left her back and went to grab an egg from the counter. All of a sudden, Camila felt something crack in her head and quickly pulled away.

“No, you didn’t!” She exclaimed.

“Oh baby, yes I did,” Lauren laughed, waiting for Camila’s first reaction.

Camila grabbed the flour from the counter and poured it on top of Lauren, leaving Lauren standing there with a surprised look on her face. Both girls laughed hysterically.

“You are so gonna regret that!” Lauren exclaimed as she tickled Camila.

Both girls ended up on the floor, laughing, Lauren on top of Camila, tickling her to death.

“Lauren, please stop!” Camila yelled, laughing, “Lauren!” Suddenly, Camila’s screams started to fade, “Lauren, honey”.

Lauren woke up to her mother shaking her. “Honey, you have to get something to eat.”

“No mom, I’m fine, really, I won’t leave here until she wakes up,” Lauren said, calmly, but had tears building up in her eyes.

“Ok, I’ll bring you something here then, but you have to eat baby.”

“Ok, thanks mom, I love you.” Lauren said, with a half smile.

“Love you too, honey, everything will be alright.” Lauren’s mom kissed her in the head and with that, she was out the door.

It had been a solid three days since Camila had been in the accident and Lauren hadn’t left her side once. She was probably a mess and probably didn’t smell good, but she didn’t care about any of those things at the moment, she just needed Camila to wake up.

Lauren got up and lay down next to Camila, very slowly, making sure not to cause any more damage. She kissed Camila in the forehead, trying to hold the tears back.

She started to softly hum a melody, which soon turned out to be “Let It Be” by The Beatles. She remembered that her solo in this song was Camila’s favorite, and so she thought she would like it, even though she couldn’t really hear. Lauren began to sing softly. Tears streaming down her face, she continued to sing in Camila’s ear, tracing her fingers up and down Camila’s arm and playing with her hair. Her eyelashes were so long and her nose was perfect, she thought, and her lips… But more than her physical feature, which were perfect, it was her perfectly tanned and soft body, and her personality, ‘you are such a goof’, Lauren said, smiling to herself.

“Mmhm,” Lauren thought she heard something; she immediately stopped erything she was doing and just listened, her heart skipping a beat or two.

“Camz? Baby please do something so I know you’re awake.”

Lauren saw Camila’s nose scrunch up.

“Oh my god! Doctor, nurse, someone!” She exclaimed running outside.

A couple of nurses rushed into Camila’s room. “Looks like she’s back,” the nurse smiled at Lauren, “but she still needs a lot of rest and she might have trouble speaking at first because of the injury in her lung, we will keep this machine attached to her in case she has trouble breathing.”

Lauren nodded as the nurses walked out of the room. She was wearing the biggest smile ever as her parents, Camila’s parents, and the rest of the band entered the room.

“She’s good! She’s alive!” She beamed as her mom and dad hugged her.

“I told you hon, everything’s gonna be okay, you’re okay,” her mom said to her, hugging her even tighter.

She turned to Ally, Normani, and Dinah and suddenly her smile disappeared. “Wait, oh my gosh, what have I done?”

Normani quickly moved forward and held her, having an slight idea of what Lauren was talking about.

“Laur, what are you talking about?” Dinah asked, worried.

“Her lung, if she can’t speak, how is she going to sing, and then what is she going to do? Music is everything to her! I ruined it, it’s my fault,” Lauren broke down in Normani’s arms.

“Shh, no Lauren, look at me!” Ally said, a little bit too loud to get Lauren’s attention. “None of this is your fault, do you hear me? You did nothing, things happen for a reason, ok? You have to stop blaming yourself for Camila’s accident!”

Suddenly, everyone heard something coming out of Camila.

Lauren quickly made his way to her bed, “Baby?”

Camila made another sound but no one could figure out what she was trying to say.

Weakly, Camila held Lauren’s hand, and without having the strength to open her eyes just yet, she moved her head as if she was saying ‘no’.

“No? No what?” Lauren asked her, confused.

“No, music is not everything to her, you are,” Dinah said to Lauren, attempting to interpret what Camila was trying to say.

Everyone looked at Camila quizzically, and all she did was nod her head and a small curve formed in her lips. A smile that went unnoticed by every other person in the room, but Camila knew Lauren saw it, and she did.

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