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Grace's Pov (first time ever):

Today is graduation ever since Semi-Formal there has been some tension between Asher and Bella, well they don't make eye contact, 'accidentally' knock each other and are both very sassy. But I dont blame them. Asher went to semi with Lizzy (Bella enemy) and Bella went the new kid Sam (Asher was jealous of). For me, I went to the semi with Vincent, bad choice. I literally can't wait to graduate and then I can start sophomore year with my best friends. As all the graduates are seated on stage in alphabetical order the parents and invited guests come into the assembly hall to prepare for the ceremony. I know that Mr and Mrs Friar arrived because I can hear the new twins Josie and Alex screaming because they were hungry or tired. That was what Bella was explaining too me and the thing I wish I didn't see was Mrs Friar breasting feeding. She looked so comfortable. Uggh! After that they were quiet at least.

Principal: Today I would like to announce the following students that achieved an citizenship award. These awards are given to students that are hardworking, well groomed, polite and co-operative. The following awardees are Asher Blackmar, Bella Friar, Louis Jelco, Grace Matthews, Timo Simples and Dannica Young. Please congratulate them all.

(End of ceremony)

Puncipal: I would like to invite Vincent Minkus, Head of Year 9 to say the acknowledgment of country to conclude this service today.

Vincent: We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional owners of this land on which we are meeting. Please stand for the recessional of invited guest then parents then other staff and then students. Thankyou!

Lucas's Pov:
After the ceremony, there were tea, coffee and biscuits for parents and invited guest while the rest of the students came out to go to there homerooms for a pizza party. I heard Bella say something about party but I'll clarify that for sure. Riley and I have a surprise for her. We are going on s road trip to Philadelphia to visit Riley's Mum, Dad and Auggie. They moved after Riley and I got married and we moved into the apartment she grew up in. This home was sentimental to her.

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