Chapter 16- You Said I'm WHAT?

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Splitpaw touched her nose to the stone, and she was swept into darkness.

She looked around. Was she to receive a prophecy?

Or was she going to dream about Moonpaw?

Which one would happen?

Which one did she want to happen?

It's still dark. She was annoyed. She didn't like the dark! She was in dream! Would some darn sunlight come in, already?

As if her thoughts were controlling the dream, sunlight filled her vision. She had to squint for a moment before her dream unfolded.

She is at Fourtrees. The four huge oaks are covered in moss and lichen; she is unable to see the bark anymore. The limbs of the magnificent trees are bent over with the weight of the undergrowth that is growing on top of it.

"That is you, Splitface," a voice called out to her.

Wait, Splitface?

She spun around to see a tom she didn't recognize, but she could tell that he was Riverclan almost instantly by his glossy fur and wet bangs.

"What do you want?" she spat. She hated Riverclan. She didn't want to talk to this tom, even if he was a Starclan spirit.

"To simply speak to you, can I ask that of you?"

No, you can't, she thought sourly, but she saw nothing else to do, and it might save Shadowclan, or herself, so she nodded reluctantly and sat down with a frown.

The Riverclan tom was standing next to her, too close for her comfort, but she didn't want to anger a Starclan cat, Riverclan or not.

"What did you mean, 'that is you'? And my name's not Splitface!"

The tom looked at her, and she realized that she could not see his eyes; they were completely covered by his bangs, which were making puddles on the ground.

Oh, great Starclan, she knew who this cat was.


Splitpaw had met him the day she opened her eyes to the world, and he was the one who made the puddle, that made her see what she was.

"First off, I called you Splitpath, not Splitface. Second, you are that great oak. You will be something great, respected, powerful... if you are not crushed first."

"Crushed? What do you mean?"

Iceheart gestured to the tree that was supposed to be her.

The oak was almost bent in half. Lichen, moss, ferns... everything that was usually on the forest floor was on this tree, and it was killing it.

Suddenly, as if triggered by her thoughts, the trunk snapped so loud that Splitpaw winced. She watched as the elegant, beautiful tree fell to the ground.

When it hits, her chest explodes into pain. She groans, and kneels to the ground. She can see stars.

She is taking deep breaths, trying to focus on anything besides the pain, when Iceheart comes over to her. Upon his touch, the pain disappears. She frowns and turns around to give him reluctant thanks.

He is gone, in his place is an enormous puddle.

She didn't have to look, did she?

She took a deep breath, and bent her head over the edge.

She does not see herself.

Instead, she sees three toms. The first two she easily recognizes as Bonepaw and Moonpaw. The third, a silver-blue, blinks back at her confused stare with a kind light. It seems as though Bonepaw and Moonpaw can't see her. They are just looking straight ahead.

Splitpaw is about to call their names when she is pushed from behind by something unseeable, and she tumbles into the water.

She wakes to find herself on the floor of the Moonstone, Moonpaw just beginning to awaken.

Was that it? She would either prosper or... be crushed?!

"...Splitpaw? How was your.... dream?" Moonpaw's sleep-heavy voice was broken by his yawn.

"F-Fine, and yours?"

"It was fine. I dreamed about you, actually," he said with a goofy grin.

He awaited her reaction.

"Yeah, you could say I dreamt about you too."

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