Chapter 24- Excuse Me?

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"Well said, Splitpaw. Can I speak to you for a moment?" Sharpstar ushered her to the edge of the clearing while the other leaders tried to calm down their respective clans.

"I'm proud of you, Splitpaw. I know it took a lot of courage to say what you did," Sharpstar started, but Splitpaw, tired, cut her off.

"It's okay, Sharpstar, I just want to think for a while. Go ahead and do what you need to do, I'll be fine."

The russet leader didn't look convinced, but she nodded and backed up a bit.

"Okay, I'll send Bonepaw over, I had him and that Riverclan apprentice keep their distance from you, I knew you would have wanted to resolve this on your own."

Splitpaw nodded and said nothing. Sharpstar padded off to gather Shadowclan back into order.

So, Bonepaw and Rapidpaw hadn't deserted her. At least there was that.

Would Riverclan finally back down and admit all that they had done wrong? Pricking her ears to the leaders giving their reports, her doubtful thoughts were confirmed as Glowstar's yowl rang through the cold night's bitter air.

"We were very kind, giving Splitpaw a second chance in the clans, but we were also wrong. After much consideration with my deputy, we have decided to take Splitpaw back to Riverclan, where she belongs."


This is exactly what she had wanted to hear, those first few sunrises after she had been met with hostility, not almost ten moons later! But still... they were asking for her back. They wanted her back. They admitted that they were wrong, and she was needed back in Riverclan.

Of course, then Bonepaw and Rapidpaw decided to rush towards her, oblivious to what Glowstar had stated.

"Splitpaw, are you okay?! I heard what you said, but Sharpstar..." the white apprentice fretted with a worried and pained expression, and she could almost feel the sadness on his tongue.

"It's okay, Bonepaw. I'm fine."

"Yeah, but..."

Rapidpaw stood awkwardly behind Bonepaw, looking down at the ground sheepishly.

"I didn't know my mentor was your father, Splitpaw. I'm sorry."

Splitpaw sighed again. They really hadn't heard what Glowstar had said.

She wished she hadn't either.

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