Chapter One

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Picture of Viola.

Viola's POV

The final bell rang and the room was in an uproar. It was the last day of school and the beginning of the winter break. Everyone was excited to spend the holidays with no stress and just enjoy the cool winter. The teacher just shook her head in disbelief, and I knew she too was relieved to have a break from all this madness. All of them quickly exited the room and ran to the main gate as if they just got released after serving a long time. It was almost comically but the same feeling was going through my head.

I made my way to the lockers to get my backpack and then leave like everyone else. As I dug into my locker I felt a presence behind me. I smiled knowing who exactly it was as the familiar smell of that cologne surrounded me. I ignored said person and went back to packing my stuff. Someone cleared their throat and I signed and turned coming face to face with my best friend in the whole world.

Crane Reynolds. He was 6'3 feet tall and had mop of jet black hair with a few bangs falling over his forehead. His eyes were the most amazing thing about him, it was greenish grey and I always loved to get lost in them. He had pale skin and his smile, with those cute adorable dimples was what always made my day. He wore a green T-Shirt underneath his thick black leather jacket but it didn't cover those strong arms and his prefect six pack which was clearly visible through his T-Shirt. He had been my best friend since third grade as we grew up in the same neighborhood.

He had those perfect looks that made every girl in this school want to date him but he just didn't date anyone which really surprised me. He would just have those occasional flings but never got very serious. I always wondered why did he never get close to any girl. Maybe a small, tiny part of me was happy he didn't date because I knew that I had feelings for him since a long time and hated seeing him with any other girl but I never did ask him out knowing that he thought of me as just a friend, and the thought of losing his friendship always stopped me.

"Viola lets go. You're being too slow." He grumbled, tugging my hand. I giggled at his childishness as I shut my locker with a bang. He smirked at me and my heart skipped a beat.

"Fine. Jeez. Impatient much." I rolled my eyes as he held my hands, guiding me to the front gate and into the parking lot. Heat radiated from our entwined hands and I blushed, praying it wasn't so evident. Eyes looked at us and I felt shy from all the death stares the girls in the parking lot gave me. He stopped near his pickup truck and opened my door for me, bending down a little. His truck was a bright black colour and I remembered the time I had helped his dad paint it so that we could give it to him for his 16th birthday. It was indeed a beautiful memory.

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