Chapter # 4 ~~~ The Results Are In!

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Chapter Four

The Results Are In!

By the next day, I was really tackling the raising of the kids. I was so engrossed into the task of keeping the kids occupied that when all the phycians seated in my sitting-room, Mahamed was with them awaiting my arrival. 'Let them wait a bit, the kids come first.' I thought.

When I got in there, they were impatient, Mahamed in particular. I just smiled at him sweetly. He frowned at me, but didn't say a word.

My family physician cleared his throat first then announced his test results. "The two unborn children that Princess Elizabella are carrying in her womb are Prince Mahamed's."

"Are you sure?" Prince Mahamed asked.

"I did the test as many times as I could, and every test result was the same."

"Okay." Mahamed accepted that. He looked at his family physician.

"Positive match, you are going to be a father."

Mahamed looked to the last physician, "Yours." Was all he said.

"You are the paternal father of Princess Elizabella's twins." Was all he said.

I smiled at Mahamed and said, "I told you so." I turned to the assembled physicians and smiled at them, "Thank you all for this, would you like anything? Tea? Coffee? Cake?"

I got Casey to take their orders and put in mine as well. "You don't mind if I watched a DVD do you?" I asked them all. They shook their heads. I walked over to my DVD rack and chose the Zoids series. One of the presents from the night before.

Mahamed walked up to me and said, "You really like your Japanese Animations hey?"

"Yep, I love my animes."

"It looks like you are an anime-holic."

"That's not a word." I said.

"It should be."

I smiled slightly as I bent and put the first DVD in the boxset into the DVD-player. I could feel Mahamed eyes on my rear, I straightened up and ploppled down on the two-seater love-seat, in between Katherine and Tory, and had Tyler on my lap. Mahamed sat on a recliner and watched the DVD with us, the big surprise was that all the physicians watched it with us as well.

Funnily enough, Mahamed liked the series as much as me. When it was time to have dinner, Mahamed kicked up a bit, he wanted to find out what happened. I asked if he wanted to have dinner with us, then we would watch more of the DVDs, he accepted. The physicians even said yes, they were getting into it as well.

After dinner, we all watched the DVDs, but eventually, it was only Mahamed and me. We were so very tired that by about midnight, we were really tired, we decided to watch the rest tomorrow.

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