Today is the day! -Chapter 1

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I wake up to my alarm clock going off. Once I realize what day today is I jump out of bed nearly tripping over my bed sheets. I grab my phone and go on Spotify. I start listening to " Oh Girl You're The Devil" which instantly makes me dance. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I then take a shower and use up all the hot water. Once I get out and change. I put on the best outfit I own, and start doing my hair and make up. Once I look at what time it is I panic. I instantly call my best friend Astrid.
"Astrid it's 7:30 are you ready?"
" Yeah I'm driving to your apartment right now. " I sigh thankful were going to be at the airport on time.
"Okay good call me when you get here. "
Astrid's my best friend. I asked her if she wanted to go to the MIKA concert with me in London. And she immediately said yes having an opportunity to tour London. She doesn't even like MIKA but she gladly accepted so who cares. But on the other hand I am a huge fan. I've fallen in love with MIKA since I heard his song love today 5 years ago. Five minutes later I get a call from Astrid to get my butt outside. I quickly grab my suit case take one more look in the mirror and leave. Once I get into the car I yell " Cómo estás!" (How are you) " Good but we have to get to the airport quick if we want to make our flight at 8:10" said Astrid. Fine I thought. She is so bossy! I took us 30 minutes to get to the airport. I honestly couldn't calm down. I was jumping up and down the whole time. We finally passed through security and were boarding the plaine. I was so tired i fell asleep for the whole flight. I didn't get much sleep last night thinking about seeing mika and going to London. Once Astrid shook me awake I skipped out of the plane happy that in a day I was going to see my idol Mika. We took a taxi to our hotel. Me and Astrid rented one room for 5 days. We had to sleep together because we're to broke to afford a larger room with two beds. Astrid started complaining about the room for what seemed like forever. " I hate this room! It is way too tiny and has no color!" She said with so much attitude you would think she was the biggest brat in the world. But she isn't. She is the sweetest person in the world also, she's the closest thing I have to a sister. I met Astrid the week I was born. After that we have been family. We spent every weekend and holiday, birthday (ect.) together. I don't know what I would do without her. Once we settled in we called it a night.

Thanks for reading my first chapter! Keep reading I swear it gets better! Okay luv y'all ♡ ♡
- Vivian

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