The mall -Chapter 2

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When I woke up Astrid was already changed and doing her make up. I wondered why she woke up so early, or looked at the clock and saw it said 12:00pm. Oh my gosh! I slept for so long! I got up in a hurry took a shower put on some decent skinny jeans and a crop top. Did my hair and put my make up on. I promised Astrid I would go to the mall with her before we went to the concert. I grabbed the car keys and walked out of the room. I walked into the car to see Astrid patiently seating in the car. I put the GPS on and drove off to the car. " I'm so excited for the concert tonight!" I suddenly yelled. " I bet you are. This is all you've talked about for the past five years. If anything even I am excited for you. " Astrid said sweetly. We got to the mall and parked the small blue car. We quickly got out and walked towards the mall entrance. I walked into target to look at the endless rows of music CDs while Astrid was in Vera Bradley (Her favorite store). If she could she would buy the whole store. I picked up Mika's new album CD "No Place In Heaven" and went to purchase it. If i met mika after the concert I wanted to have something he could sign. After purchasing the CD I stopped and put my purse down next to my feet. I was taking the CD out of the bag to put it in my purse when I felt something nudge my purse. It was a beautiful dog with gold shiny hair. I pet her and walked out of the store. Suddenly the alarms went off. I felt my face go red with fear. I walked back into the store to see a security guard walking towards me. He grabbed my arm and led me to an office after he told me " I need to wait there until the manager got there." I was pale white. There were so many thoughts going on in my mind. I didn't steal anything! I door opened again and a big man walked through the door. "What is your name" he said rudely. But i managed to be polite. " Lucy Shepherd. " I said while stuttering. " " so Lucy Shepherd please tell me the item that you stole from the store."
" I didn't steal anything." I said with confidence in my voice. I know I didn't steal anything. "I will ask you once more. What did you steal from this store?" He said ruder than before. I looked him straight in the eyes and said " Nothing" with more confidence. He said that if I didn't start telling the truth my charges would increase. But I kept telling him I didn't steal anything. The door suddenly flew open scaring the crap out of me. There stood the most handsome man I have ever seen. He had brown soft curls. Then it hit me. My eyes widen with surprise. That beautiful man standing in front of me was Mika.

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