Stood Up -Chapter 7

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Once we were outside of the arena I dragged Astrid far away from the arena and away from all those people. Once we stopped walking I saw the very confused look on Astrid's face. "What did you have to tell me? " She says looking concerned.
"Okay well you know how I went on stage with Mika? "
"Yeah! That was so cool! I can't believe you went on stage and sang with him! All you ever wanted was to meet him, and look at you! Not only did you meet him but you got to sing with him! " She yelled while jumping up and down.
"And got asked to meet him after the concert. " I whispered low enough for her to be able to hear me.
"What! He what?!" Astrid yelled loudly. Everyone stopped and looked over at her.
"Shh. Or else everyone will hear, but yes he told me to meet him after the concert in like an hour. Which is now like 50 minutes."
"Well then you should get a mirror and redo your makeup or something."
" I'm not going. "
"What! Why! Mika has been your idol and hero since forever! And he told you to meet him. And you're telling me you're not going? What is wrong with you!" See yelled at me.
"He probably was just joking. Why would he want to meet me after the concert? I'm not pretty or special. He probably just wants to see if I would go. Just another pathetic fan."
"What are you talking about Lucy? He called you the most gorgeous woman in the arena, and he wants to see you again. It doesn't sound like he thinks you're just another pathetic fan. "
"Fine! If it makes you happy I'll go! Just let's stop talking about it, okay? "
"Okay. " Astrid's face had a big smile plastered on it.
"Okay. "

40 minutes later Astrid and me went back in front of the arena.
"Text or call me if anything happens! " Astrid said giddy. "Okay I will. I promise." " If anything happens, I want you to have this." She rummages through her purse and takes out a bottle of mace and a whistle. She holds them out for me to grab. " Oh my god Astrid, he just wants to meet me not fucking kill me!" I say while shaking my head as a no to the mace and whistle. "Lucy just take it. Just to give me some peace of mind. Please. We're in London for the very first time, we don't know our way anywhere and don't know anybody. It's dangerous. Please Lucy. Just to be safe?" She sounds very convincing. " Fine for you. But don't go thinking I'm just going to start macing people left and right." I say laughing. It's so good to know that you have a friend that cares about you so much. We both start to hug. " Bye astrid. I got somewhere to be!" " Oh right I better leave you to it." She starts to walk to the curb and signals for a cab. Once she gets into the cab she yells out the window " I love you! Have a good time!" And waves like crazy. " Bye!" I yell back.

Now I have 10 minutes left until he said to meet. I take out my phone and start playing a game. Ugh I'm to anxious to be playing Candy Crush. I turn my phone of and stare into bliss.

Now it's been 10 minutes since we were supposedly supposed to meet. He's probably just running late. No need to worry.

Now it's been 30 minutes. What's going on? Why isn't he here? Did he forget about me? Probably. Who would even try to remember me? I'm nobody compared to him.

Now it's been 40 minutes. I'm tired and hungry. It's obvious he's not coming so whatever. He probably was just joking or something. Disappointed and heart broken I get up from the bench I was sitting on and walk to the curb with tears in my eyes. I wave my hand for a taxi. In five minutes one of the many taxis that have passed stops in front of me. I get in and tell him the name of my hotel. How did I ever think he was actually going to meet me? I'm so stupid! I started crying. I actually thought he wanted to meet me. I guess I was wrong.

When the taxi stopped in front of my hotel I quickly took some money out, gave it to the driver, and got out. I walked into the hotel and made my way to the elevator. I got in and pushed the button for the 11th floor. I waited in the stuffy elevator until it got to my floor. I walked out and headed to my room. Once I opened the door and got inside, I walked into the bathroom. I took all of my clothes off and got into the shower. The hot water instantly made me feel better. I got out and removed my make up and brushed my teeth. I slipped into my pajamas and walked towards the bed. I got in next to Astrid who was sound asleep. The events of today flashed through my head. I'm exhausted. I need to sleep. I need a few hours to forget about what happened. I slowly felt myself drift into a deep sleep.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry i haven't updated in a long time! I said I was going to update sooner but I just don't have much time. I'll try to update at least once in a month. But maybe more frequently. Who knows. Bye. Luv y'all♡♡
(Oh and I know this chapter sucks. But whatever )

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