The Origin Of Love -Chapter 6

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He got out of the car and smiled at the line. He waved and started walking towards the line. He was hugging fans and talking to them. Making his way up the line. When he got to me he hugged me and whispered "Bye love ". My heart stopped beating. I could feel myself turning red. "Bye love " what was that? Why did he call me love? He finishes greeting some fans and then enters the arena. I turn to Astrid who was just observing the bunch of fans jumping up and screaming. I start to tell her about my recent experience. " Astrid you know when Mika was greeting his friends in line? "
"Yeah why?" Astrid says looking a little bored.
" Because when he was hugging me he said to me "Bye love "." I say giddy.
"OMG really Lucy!" She yells.
"Shh." I quiet her down so no one hears.
"Plus I'm just a fan. He probably says that to all his fans. European people are weird." I say trying to sound casual. But inside I was really hoping he doesn't just say that to all his fans.
"Whatever you say Lucy. " She says with a smile on her face.
A few 10 minutes had passed and I kept thinking about him whispering in my ear " Bye love ". My thoughts were dismissed by Astrid waving her hand in my face. "Earth to Lucy! Come on we need to get into the arena and get good spots." Astrid said quickly. And with that I had my head back into reality and we hurried into the arena. We got good spots we were in the 2nd row. Which was practicly the 1st row too because everyone was just squished together. My heart started beating faster every minute that passed. I couldn't wait to see him again. Not also that but I've waited forever for my first Mika concert and now I'm finally here. Every fangirl's life goal: to see Mika in concert+ meet him. I was playing with the rings on my fingers when I heard a bunch of high pitched screaming. I looked up to see Mika's band on stage getting ready next to their instruments. I couldn't help but join in on the screaming. I'm a fan girl, what can I say? The music to " Talk About You " started playing and Mika came out running and began to sing. " If I am crazy that's what you made me! I said you're the only I wanna talk about! " sang mika in his amazing voice. I started jumping up and down and dancing. Astrid and me were holding hands dancing and singing. Mika sang his whole album but my favorite were Oh Girl You're The Devil♡, Staring At The Sun♡, and Good Wife♡, and pretty much the rest of his album.
"London I'm sorry to say this but our show is coming to an end. " Said a very cute Mika with a pouty face.
"But we have time for one last song. I will choose one of you to come up and sing with me ." I turned to Astrid who was smiling. Everyone started raising their hands for Mika to choose them. "Why aren't you screaming for him to choose you? " Astrid yelled over the screaming. "Because he's not going to choose me. It's worthless, I don't want to get my hopes down. Plus image the face of the person Mika chooses. They'll be so happy! " I said optimistically. Mika started talking again. "I choose the most gorgeous woman here to come up and sing with me. " Then a bright light shone on me. Me! He chose me! He said I'm gorgeous! Who me?! OMG what do I do? Should I go? I can't sing at all. They'll laugh at my terrible singing. I have to stop with my negativity. And with that I thought " You know what fuck it, I'm going to go sing with Mika on stage!" I started walking towards the stairs. I was surprised I could even walk, my legs felt like Jello. But once I reached the stairs Mika was already at the top of them holding his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it with my now sweaty hand when I reached the top of the stairs. He smiled at me with a smile the Sun would be heated by. He walked me towards the middle of the stage. " Hi love, nice to see you again. " He whispered into my ear, his lips brushed my ear as he spoke. I felt my insides warm. I looked identical to a tomato by now. And his smile didn't help. He walked over to the piano and got another microphone and gave it to me. " Thank you. " I responded shyly. He chuckled to himself. Why he laughed I don't know, but I know I was red from my intense blushing. "What song do we sing London? " He yelled to them. I had completely forgotten that there was a crowd of screaming fans behind us. I saw as they all started yelling out different songs. I don't know how mika is going to choose one. "Do you guys want me to sing the Origin of Love? " He asked them. I heard even more screaming. Just observing this made me even more scared. All of those fans, most accurately all of them would hate me except for Astrid. I scanned the crowd until I found Astrid looking at me. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up for reassurance. I just smiled and gave her a thumbs up back. I smiled and tried to look calm, but I was freaking out. I was so scared. The music to "Origin of Love" started playing. Mika walked over to me. "Are you ready? " He asked me. "Honestly no. I can't sing and everyone is going to hate me." I said in a low voice. "Don't worry they'll love you come on let's sing." And with that he gave his band a signal and started singing. " Love is a drug and you are my cigarette. Love is addiction and you are my nicorette. Love is a drug like chocolate like cigarettes. I'm feeling sick I've got to medicate myself." He sang beautifully. He looked at me as a signal to join in. I couldn't resist I just loved this song. " I want your love don't try to stop me. Can't get enough still hanging on me...." We both sang. Mika looked down at me and looked into my eyes. It felt weird, but so good. His eyes are a beautiful brown. I could stare at them all day. I felt like it was only Mika and me and then nothing else existed. Unfortunately the song ended and it was time for me to say bye to this amazing man. I heard screaming and cheering, probably for Mika because I suck at singing. "Wasn't she just amazing! " Mika said while giving me a hug. I got butterflies in my stomach just from the touch of him. " give it up for....?" He said baffled. "Lucy... My name is Lucy." I said awkwardly. How did I not tell him my name? " Give it up for Lucy everybody. " He said with a smile on his beautiful face. I heard more people screaming. Mika gave me another hug. " Meet me outside the arena in an hour. " He quickly said before smiling and motioning for me to get off stage. My stomach feels like it's getting attacked by a million butterflies. Did he really just tell me to meet him after the show? Me? Lucy Shepherd? My thoughts were interrupted by Astrid coming over to me yelling " I can't believe you just sang with Mika! " She jumped up and down while yelling at me. "Yep, I sure did. " " Why aren't you bouncing up and down I thought this is always what you wanted. To go to a Mika Concert and meet him. ?" She said confused. " Something happened but I need to tell after we have left the inside of this hot arena. " "Okay." Astrid said suspiciously. We made our way out of the arena with a bunch of other overly excited and emotional girls.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been so busy with stuff. I made it extra long. I'm going to try updating long chapters like this one. Comment down below what you think of the story and what I can improve on. Thanks for reading and I luv y'all♡♡♡

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