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"Katniss?" Peeta opened the back door to apologize. Why was he so stupid? She was just trying to give him dinner. She didn't deserve to be yelled at.

He scanned the deck and the empty yard, but Katniss was nowhere in sight. Peeta sighed loudly and went to grab his shoes to search for her.

Once he was outside, he walked around their whole house. She wasn't anywhere around there either!

His palms started to sweat and his heartbeat sped up. She didn't leave, did she? No way, her car was still here.

But she could've walked.

Then, a lightbulb flicked on in his head. Katniss liked to go into the forest behind their house all the time. I should have checked there first, he thought.

He jogged off into the woods, swatting away branches blocking a path to find her. "Katniss!" he called, "Katniss, where are you, babe? I'm so sorry, okay?"

Time passed, and he still couldn't find her. "Katniss, please. You have to be here!"

"I'm right here," she gave in and sniffled behind him.

Peeta jumped at the unexpected response, "God, you scared me." He wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I was such an asshole. I'm sorry," he kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, I've calmed down, too," she said sheepishly.

"Let's go back inside, it's creepy in these woods in the evening," Peeta grabbed her hand to return to the house, but Katniss stayed planted where she was.

"Carry me," she smirked.

"You're so lazy," Peeta teased and picked her up bridal style.

"Ow!" she screeched, "My hair got caught in a branch."

"Here," Peeta set her down and picked her up again, but on his back.

"Thank you," she laughed.

They curled up on the couch with some blankets and wine. "Let's watch a movie," Katniss suggested, grabbing the remote to turn the TV back on to Netflix.

"Which one?" Peeta asked.

"I don't care," she shrugged.

"I don't care either," he smirked. "You pick."

"No!" she smiled, tossing the remote to him. "This always happens."

"Fine, but don't get mad when I pick a Star Wars movie or something."

i havent updated since july.... feel free to kill me :))))

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