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well, this is it. i had a great time writing this story, but i felt it would be nice to end it here. i didn't want it to be crazy long anyway so i hope you enjoy the final part. make sure to vote and comment your thoughts. <3

•six years later•

"Mommy!" the little brunette toddler reached up at her mother. "Let's play on the swings!"

Katniss sighed softly. She just played tag with her three-year-old daughter, Ciara, but she couldn't say no to the irresistible puppy dog face she made.

"Alright, sweetie," she smiled, grabbing her small hand to lead her to the swing set Peeta built during the spring.

The sun was just about to go down on this warm summer evening, and that was always Peeta's favorite part of summer – the sunsets.

"Hey, Peeta, come out here and look at the sunset!" Katniss called into the house loudly.

He soon came out holding their other child, Aiden. He was just under five months old, but he was already causing a lot of trouble. Although, Peeta and Katniss thought it was pretty cute when he made messes on his face when he ate or he knocked over all of his toys.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Ciara?" Katniss glanced at her daughter.

"I can't see very good, Mommy!" Ciara raised her arms up, implying for Katniss to lift her up.

"Sure," Katniss held her on her hip so she could see the view.

"It looks like cotton candy!" She exclaimed with a gasp in awe over the sky.

"Hm, it does," Peeta nodded, staring up at the sky more.

Soft jazz music played in the background from their outdoor speakers as the children continued to play. Peeta went down the small slide with Aiden while Katniss pushed Ciara on the swings.

Once the sun went completely down, the parents decided it was time for the kids to come inside.

"But Daddy, just five more minutes!" Ciara whined.

"You've said that three times," he replied, "Come on, let's go in before you get bitten by mosquitos."

Katniss cradled Aiden in her arms while he was slowly falling asleep.

"I'm gonna go lay him down, can you start a bath for her?" She asked Peeta while they walked down the hallway.

"Here, I can take him and you can go with her," Peeta replied, taking the baby from Katniss's arms.

"Okay, let's get your bath, Ciara!"


After both of the children were asleep, the couple sat on the couch watching TV, the fireplace keeping them warm.

"And you said you didn't want kids," Peeta smiled at her, shaking his head, "Look at you. You're a great mother. I don't know why you were so worried."

"I just didn't want to become the mom that my mother was. I knew it wouldn't happen that way, but I was still nervous," she admitted.

"Whatever happens, we'll get through it," Peeta tried to get up, but Katniss stopped him.

"Stay with me?" Katniss asked hopefully.

He sat back down with her and replied, "Always."


the end.

midnight memories ♕ everlarkWhere stories live. Discover now