The Wedding

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Oh god. This wedding is going to be a disaster! The weather is beautiful for an outdoor wedding but the photographer hasn't shown up yet and the florist screwed up the flower order! Oh no, my dress feels kinda tight... Lily zips it up and I look in the mirror. I look AMAZING!!! I can't wait for Barney to see me. Lily notices that I'm stressed and tells me to relax and she says she will take care of everything. She leaves. I look at my profile in the mirror and notice no bump. I guess it's too soon to tell... After the wedding, Barney and I need to discuss baby names. I hope it's a girl. A boy would be fine too, but I hope it's a girl. Suddenly the door swings open and the love of my life rushes through and slams the door.
"Barney? You're not supposed to see me before the wedding!" I say before he clamps his hand over my mouth.
"Come on" he says, "I have something to show you." We sneak out of the hotel room and down a path to a cute little gazebo. His hand holds mine protectively and we sit in the gazebo. His eyes fill with tears.
"Barney, what's wrong?"
"You're crying."
"You're crying."
I laugh and give him a kiss. What could be wrong? Barney only cries at weddings... Oh right. Awww, he's tearing up at the sight of his bride. How sweet! He composes himself and pulls me closer to him.
"You look beautiful, Robin."
"You don't look so bad yourself."
My fingers find a piece of paper in this chest pocket where the flower's supposed to go. I pull it out and unfold it. It's the Robin. Aww. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I put it back.
"Where are we going on our honeymoon?" I ask.
"I'll give you a hint... It's warm."
"Hmmm... The Caribbean?" 
"What letter does it start with?"
I pretend to think. Lily told me ages ago.
"Yeah baby! High five!"
We high five.
"Oop, I think that the wedding is about to start." I say.
"Awww, do we have to go?" Whines Barney.
"We're kind of important in the wedding, as the bride and groom." I tease.
He kisses me, and I can feel his incredible excitement through his lips. He's practically buzzing.
"Alright, let's go get married then." He says, and we rush up the path, fingers interlocking, and we go our separate ways. This wedding is going to rock!

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