Harry sick: Fever

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Harry's P.O.V

Ugh. I wake up in the middle of the night and check the time. 2:05 a.m., why am I up? Only then do I noticed the churning in my stomach. I carefully move Louis' sleeping form off of me and dart into the bathroom, stopping in front of the toilet to throw up my guts. "H, are you alright?" I hear Louis' sleepy voice come from the bedroom. I look over as Louis walks in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with tiny fists. "Yeah," I croak, my voice sounding hoarse from the retching. Louis helps me up and leads me back to bed. "I'll go get you a bottle of water, some medicine, and a cold rag," he announces, exiting the room right after.

He returns a few minutes later, setting everything down on the nightstand. He helps me sit up to swallow the medicine and then lays me back down, placing the cold rag on my forehead. "Feel better, Haz," he whispers before he gets back into bed next to me.


Louis' P.O.V

Groaning and stretching, I sit up in bed. I look over at Harry, taking in his condition. He's got messy bed hair, he's very pale, and his forehead and upper lip are covered in a thin layer of sweat. I push the curls back from his sweaty forehead and his eyes flutter open. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I ask softly. "Where am I?" He mumbles, looking confused. "You're in bed, sweetie," I answer, equally confused. He looks around a bit and stands up. "Woah, dizzy!" He says with a dopey look on his face, falling to the left. I lunge out and catch him, my knees bending slighty under Harry's entire weight. "Harry, maybe you should lay back down," I suggest, guiding him toward the bed. "Who's Harry?" He slurs, eyes unfocused. Worried, I call Liam. "Can you please come help me?" I plead hurriedly. "What's wrong?" He asks, concerned. "It's Harry, he's really out of it. He got sick last night, and this morning he was really disoriented. He didn't know who he was or where he was. I'm really worried."

"Check his temperature. He could just have a really high fever," he explains. I run and grab a thermometer, then come back and take Harry's temperature. "104.2," I read off. "That's really high, Liam! What do I do?!"

"Don't panic! You need to get him to the hospital," he orders. I go over to Harry, who has been sitting on the couch humming to himself during this, and help him up. "Harry, I'm gonna take you to the hospital now, okay?"

"I thought your name was Harry?" He replies, a lost look on his face.

"No, you're Harry, I'm Louis," I answer, slipping his shoes on his feet. "Oh, hi Lou!" He says happily, smiling at me.


Once we get to the hospital, I get Harry out of the car and usher him inside. "Excuse me, my boyfriend has a fever of 104.2," I tell the lady at the front desk. "I'll go get someone right now." She rushes off, and I go and get Harry. We get lead to a room where a doctor has an ice bath set up. He instructs me to strip Harry down to his boxers and help him into the tub. "H-holy shit, that's c-cold!" Harry exclaims, his teeth chattering. "It'll help your fever go down, love," I tell him, running my fingers through his curls to sooth him.


Harry's P.O.V

Once my fever goes down enough, I'm let out of the ice bath. Standing up, shivering and dripping wet, Louis helps me out the tub. He wraps his arms around me, not caring that his clothes are now soaked. His body warmth warms me up, and the doctor offers me a towel. I dry off the best I can and get redressed. Louis thanks the doctor and we make our way home.


Laying on the couch, the fireplace warming the living room, Louis and I cuddle under a blanket, watching Love Actually. "How are you feeling, Haz?" Louis asks, gazing up at me. "Better. Definitely warmer," I answer, smiling down at him, my dimples making their way onto my cheeks. He chuckles and I hear a quiet "Good" before we go back to watching the movie, enjoying each others company.


Hope you liked it! I have a week off, so send in any request you have and I'll be able to write and post them really fast. :)


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