Larry Youtube

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SUMMARY: Louis and Harry are cute as hell, posting videos of their daily lives on their YouTube channel.


"Good morning!" Harry rasps, starting a video for YouTube. He turns his camera to a sleeping Louis. "So cute."

He then points it at both him and Louis. "Wake up, little one!" He coos, pressing kisses to Louis' face. The smaller boy giggles and yawns, pushing Harry away.

He looks towards Harry's camera and gasps. "Harry! Don't record me, I probably look like a mess!"

"You look as beautiful as ever, button," he reassures him, kissing his flushed cheeks. The taller boy lays on his back and Louis curls into Harry's chest. "We've got a concert tonight and soundcheck, but nothing before that, so we can film this video and get it edited!"

He fist bumps and cheers softly. "Woo! Woo! C'mon, Lou, cheer with me! Woo!"

The older boy slaps his chest lightly and giggles. Harry rolls them over and pins Louis to the bed. "I said cheer!" He playfully mouths at Louis' neck and the tiny boy shrieks.

"Okay! Woo! Woo! Now stop, oh my god! Stop, Hazzy!" He giggles and Harry flops down onto his chest. Louis grunts at his weight.

"Alright, we're gonna get dressed, and I'll see you," he points to the camera, "at brekkie."

He turns the camera off for now and Louis burrows back into the covers. "C'mon, Lou, you're starkers! Gotta get dressed!"

Louis peeks out of his cocoon and raises an eyebrow. "You're one to talk," he sasses, eyeing Harry's naked body. The taller boy laughs. "I'm gonna get dressed, just gotta make sure you don't fall asleep first!"

He tugs on some boxers and joggers before yanking the duvet off of his naked boyfriend. Louis shivers at the cold and Harry eyes him hungrily before snapping out of it.

"Don't tempt me, Lou!" He warns. Louis wiggles his bum teasingly, giggling into his pillow.

Harry's mouth goes dry and he quickly averts his eyes. He grabs another pair of boxers from their dresser and pulls them up Louis' legs, kissing up the tanned flesh as he goes.

He secures them at Louis' waist and trails his kisses the rest of the way up his tiny boy's belly, chest, and neck to his lips. They kiss slowly and lovingly (close-mouthed because of morning breath).

Harry pulls back and smirks. "Gotcha!" He roars triumphantly. Taking Louis by surprise, he jumps off of the bed and rolls the older boy up in their duvet. He picks up the Louis burrito and runs down the hall to the kitchen.

Louis wiggles and yells from in Harry's arms. "You arse! How dare you, I can't move me arms!"

Harry laughs and deposits Louis burrito onto one of the dining room chairs. Louis huffs with a smile and cocoons himself once again in the soft fabric.

"My warm little burrito," Harry coos, booping Louis' nose. The small boy flushes.

Harry ventures into the kitchen, turning the camera back on. "I've got a Lou burrito in the dining room," he points the camera at Louis, "and I'm ready to make some food." He leans in close, as if telling a secret, and whispers, "Gotta keep him fed, or he gets cranky."

"Hazzy, I want tea!" Louis shouts. Harrys eyes widen comically and he turns to the camera again. "See what I mean?!"

He makes the tea quickly, exactly how Louis likes it. "For you, your highness," Harry says poshly, setting the cup in front of him and bowing.

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