Larry is Real

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I felt bad for not posting but I don't have a lot of new ideas that often (mostly because I don't actively think of them) but it's almost 1 am and I decided to do kind of a trilogy with the one shots of the boys finding out about Larry on accident, like I did for the one a long time ago where Zayn walked in on Larry making out. So enjoy, I wrote it and didn't read through so hopefully there isn't anything super funky~

"I'm gonna shower," Harry announces, getting up from the couch. He stretches out, Louis glancing at his abs where his shirt rises up. He's been itching to get Harry alone all day but the boys will know something is up if he just goes and joins Harry in the shower. Too close, even for best friends like them.

Louis snorts. They haven't been just best friends in a long time.

He engages in a game of FIFA with Zayn, trying to keep from making eye contact with him. Zayn found out about them yesterday after walking in on them making out, and while it hasn't been awkward between them (Zayn was just surprised it didn't happen sooner) he hasn't missed an opportunity to tease Louis about it. Not that Louis is embarrassed of course, but he keeps thinking of what would have happened if Zayn would have come in just a few minutes later...

Yeah. It would have been awkward then.

He's snapped out of his concentration by a loud grunt and swearing. "I win!" Zayn cheers, scoring while Louis is distracted. Louis rolls his eyes. "Did you hear that? I think Harry's hurt himself."

"Why don't you go check?" Zayn asks, smirking at him and nudging his side. As much as he's been loving to have something to tease Louis about, he knows Louis has been dying for alone time and he knows it must be hard to have to hide a relationship, whether it's by force or from not being comfortable to be open about it just yet. Louis nods, blushing a deep red as he goes to help Harry, slightly panicked. He didn't hear any thuds or anything like that so he's not worried about Harry falling. How else can you hurt yourself in the shower?

He knocks gently and opens the door, getting an eyefull of Harry's naked dick as soon as he comes in. "Well hello to you too." Harry rolls his eyes and rubs at them with a towel, wincing. "I got shampoo in my eyes, Lou!" He pouts and Louis rolls his eyes, coming over and helping him to rinse the soap out, drying his face after and kissing his pout. "All better, Hazza?"

He gasps as he's pulled into a kiss, pulled into the shower fully clothed. "Yes. And while I didn't intentionally almost blind myself just to get you in here, I'm glad it happened because it was the perfect way to get you in here without the boys finding out about us." He smirks and kisses Louis' neck, the smaller man huffing. "I'm in me clothes, ninny!"

He laughs and yelps as his neck is nibbled, Harry tugging his clothes off and undressing him expertly, having no problems since it's something he does so often. He could undress Louis in his sleep, he's had so much practice. They kiss at each other's mouths, giggling and playfully shoving at each other as Louis' soaked clothes are thrown across the room and he's left naked.

Louis gasps as Harry's naked body slides against his, the water making the slide easy and even hotter, both of them getting hard and panting into the others mouth as the mood goes from playful to aroused and needy.


Liam looks towards the bathroom, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "You think Harry's really hurt? Louis has been in there a long time," he voices, his innocence and protectiveness showing in his blatant obliviousness. Zayn laughs awkwardly. "Well, Liam...uh, the think is--"

Moans cut him off, soft at first but getting louder and louder. Liam's eyes widen and his cheeks go bright red as realization sets in. "Oh...oh god. Oh my god, I'm leaving now!" He covers his face and then quickly moves his hands to his ears as he leaves the house, not even taking his phone or keys. Zayn sighs, throwing a shoe at the bathroom door. "You scared off Liam, he's gonna be scarred for life!" He calls as he puts on his shoes and follows Liam, leaving the horny lovebirds alone for the first time all day.

~Niall is next. Comment ideas if you want~

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