December 15th: Wrapping Gifts

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Louis sips his tea from where he's seated on the floor, watching as Harry carries in all of the gifts they've bought their friends and family to wrap. He sets them down while Louis gets the wrapping paper, tape, and scissors ready.

"Alright," Harry says, stretching and sitting down across from Louis. "That's all of them. We bought a lot of gifts."

Louis shrugs. "We've got money, and what's the good in having money if you aren't going to spoil your loved ones?" Harry nods and looks at him. "That's a really good point."

"What'd you get the boys then?" Louis asks, setting some coloring books on the wrapping paper for Doris as he speaks.

"Well, for Niall I got a new guitar, for Liam I got a new watch, and for Zayn I got some beanies and cologne." He smiles and starts wrapping a perfume for Gemma.

"What about you?"

Louis smirks and finishes wrapping, the gift poorly done with too much tape used.

Looks like his wrapping skills are improving.

"I got Niall some new golf clubs-- he's so weird, who likes golf?-- and I got...well, Zayn and Liam got a combined couples present from me."

Harry raises his eyebrows, already knowing this can't be good. "Alright, what is it then?"

"Well, it'll definitely come in handy, and they use these things probably every time they see each other--"


"I got them condoms and lube."

Harry sighs and rubs his face. "All I can say is...I'm pretty upset I didnt think of that."

Louis grins and puts the intimate products in the center of the paper, starting to wrap it. "I can only imagine their reaction. Pay back for when they got us those hand cuffs."

Harry looks at him. "Come on, you love those."

Louis scowls. "Okay, fine, so what? Doesn't mean I needed them to know that."

"Louis, from the amount of times they've walked in on us, you think they didn't know you like to be tied up?"

The small boy pouts. "Shut up, Curly. I didn't want them to know."

Harry shrugs and sets the wrapped presents behind him, grabbing more to wrap. His head is turned when Louis smacks the back of it.

"Lou! What the hell?" It didn't hurt, but it sure did startle the younger boy. He reaches around and pulls off a bow.

"You're my present this year," Louis states cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking. Harry looks at him in surprise, his statement halfway true.

"Well I don't want to be your present if that involves being abused." He smirks at Louis, who pouts cutely. "'Ts not abuse. I wouldn't hurt my Hazza."

Harry groans. "That's not fair! You're cute, you can get away with anything!"

Louis grins and kisses him softly. "Comes in handy, me being a shit and all."

Harry shakes his head fondly and shows Louis the one he wrapped for him. "It's even got a little bow on it," he points out, proud of himself for wrapping it so well. Louis scrunches his face up, looking like a disgruntled bunny. "This one is yours." He holds up a terribly wrapped gift, more tape than paper, with 'To: My Harry' on it.

Harry grins. "Good job, love. I think you've gotten better. I really like it."

Louis beams at the praise, scooting closer to Harry. "I had some trouble, I'm sure that's obvious, but I think I managed to pull it off--"

As Louis babbles excitedly about his accomplishment, Harry grows more and more excited for the day he can give Louis his present. He can't wait to see the look on his boys face, the shock, the disbelief, the joy.

He holds Louis against his chest and pets the smaller boy's hair as he talks, kissing his head and smiling at his story, now talking about going shopping.

"This lady was giving me the strangest look, something between disgust and desire as I bought all of these condoms and lube. I swear, she probably thought I was some sex addict or like, a pimp or something."

"But you are a sex addict," Harry says, giggling and patting Louis' bum. "Babe, don't even push your luck."

Harry bites his lip. "Yeah, that's not smart of me."

They giggle at each other and cuddle, rocking back and forth and just enjoying each other's company as usual.

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