Protective Louis

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A request for EmmaJanez and hazzaisthebae1313! Both asked for a protective Louis, so I combined them. (I hope that's alright!) Enjoy \(^>^)/

Louis has always been pretty protective of Harry, but it's not his fault. The younger boy is extremely innocent and people always seem to try to take advantage of that.

The thing is, Harry is a handsome lad: soft, curly brown hair, piercing green eyes, a tall, broad build and muscular body structure (a/n nice little body). It's not completely unexpected when people flirt with the boy all the time, but that doesn't make it any less rude, or make Louis any less jealous.

But it's not always flirting. Sometimes it's nasty, hateful words being spit at the boys as a couple, or just Harry in particular. That's when it gets really bad; when hateful words are said and the anger courses through Louis' veins like lava, hot and overwhelming. That's when he can't control himself and it usually ends in a fight. Louis can't even remember the amount of times he's gotten a black eye or a busted lip from a fight with one of the pricks who'd insulted Harry. Of course that number doesn't matter later, when the younger boy cleans up Louis' injuries gently while pressing sweet kisses to Louis' lips to distract him from the pain.

This is one of those times. The couple decided to go out to the park, so here they are, their hands entwined. Louis smiles fondly as Harry skips beside him, their hands swinging back and forth in between them. All is going well until they pass a group of obnoxious teenagers.

"Oh hey, look what we have here, it's a couple of fags," a stocky blond boy sneers, eyeing the couple's joint hands (a/n I hate your face, unnamed stocky blond boy!). Louis' eyes narrow.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

The snotty teens stop laughing as Louis' eyes flash. Although Louis is quite small, he's always been easily intimidating to people who don't know him. Maybe it's his tattoos, maybe it's his piercings; or maybe it's the fact that he doesn't take shit from anyone.

Harry tugs on the older boy's sleeve, his eyes wide as Louis eyes the group of boys. "Come on Lou, just leave it," Harry pleads, tugging harder when Louis shows no sign of moving.

Reluctantly, the punk boy turns and starts allowing himself to be drug down the street by his boyfriend. "Little fairy is gonna let his bitch tell him what to do."

In a flash of movement, Louis pulls himself out of Harry's grasp and whirls around, smashing his fist into the blond teen's jaw.

Harry gasps and grabs Louis' shoulders to hold him away from the teenager and the older boy struggles in his grip, breathing hard. "He's not a bitch!" He roars, face red. He lets out a cry of anger as the group of assholes retreat down the street and away from him.

"You let them get away!" He yells, turning around in Harry's grip. "It was for your own good," Harry retaliates, his voice soft. Louis' eyes soften and he sighs, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

"Sorry, Princess," Louis apologizes. Harry giggles cutely when Louis' feathery hair tickles his chin. "It's alright, Lou Lou."

The rest of the day is spent with Louis keeping a protective and possessive grip around Harry's waist.


That weekend, Niall calls Louis up. "You wanna have a cook out? It's really nice out and I just bought some steaks."

"Hold on, lemme ask Haz." Louis quickly makes his way into the bedroom where his younger boyfriend lays in bed taking a nap. "Hazzy baby, wake up."

Harry groans at that and bats sleepily at the hand that's shaking his shoulder. He snuggles closer to his stuffed cat- the one he cuddles with when Louis isn't available- and ignores his boyfriend's attempts to wake him up.

"Kitten, come on," Louis tries again, sighing. Finally, the younger boy opens an eye and yawns, stretching his limbs and making baby dinosaur noises (a/n lol).

"What's up, Lou?"

"Do you wanna go to a cook out at Niall's?" Louis asks, still on the phone. "Sure, what time?"

"4 o'clock," Niall answers, loud enough so that both boys can hear. Louis jumps in surprise and speaks into the phone, "What?"

"I could hear everything, you weren't covering the speaker... and 'Hazzy'? Really, Lou?"

"Shut up, Neil," Louis hisses, hanging up as Niall continues to laugh on the other end.

The two boys decide to get dressed then, seeing as it's already 2:37 p.m. They take a shower and Louis towel dries Harry's curls for him, the taller boy practically purring at the touch.

They both get dressed, Louis in a pair of black skinny jeans, some black Vans, and a black tank (paired with a cat bracelet, compliments of Harry), and Harry in a soft, faded pink jumper, light blue skinny jeans (rolled up at the ankles), and white ankle boots (a/n he would look so good in this!).

It's about 3:30 p.m. by the time they're done, so they head out, strolling down to Niall's house that's down the block. It's nice and warm out, but with a light breezy, causing Harry to sigh happily.

"I love this weather!" Harry exclaims happily, twirling around. Louis smiles fondly at the younger boy, sticking his hands in his pockets as he walks.

Soon enough, the two boys arrive at Niall's house, and they walk into the backyard where the cook out is in full swing. People are everywhere: eating food, talking, laughing, playing games.

"Wow, Niall. I thought it was just gonna be us and like, Liam and Zayn. Not the entire neighborhood," Louis exclaims, startling the blond out of his conversation with some bimbo.

"It's not the entire neighborhood," Niall replies, grinning. Louis rolls his eyes and walks with Harry over the picnic table by the house that's filled with food.

Everything is going great until Gavin, a homophobic prick that lives down the street (probably invited himself, that one), decides to shout nasty words at Harry.

"You must be used to things like that in your mouth," he sneers as Harry takes a bite of his hotdog.

The curly-haired boy stops mid-bite, looking confused. The man continues, "You're just a nasty cock-sucker, just like your boyfriend."

Gavin barely has a second to laugh at his words before he's stumbling backwards, clutching at his cheek where Louis' ring nicked him when he'd punched him.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you!" Louis bellows, getting ready to swing again. Luckily for Gavin, Harry grabs Louis' fist and Niall comes over to see what the commotion is about.

"What happened?" The irish lad asks. His eyes narrow when he sees Gavin standing there and Louis looking ready to commit murder.

"I told you not to come, fucker! Your homophobic ass isn't welcome here!"

Gavin flips Louis off before leaving the yard. After that, the couple isn't bothered again and they are able to enjoy the cook out.

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I thought this one was okay, but I obviously do my oneshots more of the opposite (Harry taking care of Louis). I'll obviously do these ones if you request them though! :)

In other news, I'm going to an Adam Lambert concert on Saturday! I'm actually going to die, oh my god! Lol

Comment or dm me request, I always take them! (Except no rape or age play)


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