Poor Niall

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Louis' P.O.V

"Harry, the boys are in the living room," I say in between kisses. "They should know by now not to walk into our room without knocking," he mumbles against my lips. He starts trailing kisses to my neck before starting to suck at the skin there. I moan loudly, clutching at the back of his shirt. He moves in between my legs and I wrap them around his waist. We get so caught up that we don't even hear the door open...

"Hey guys, have you seen the- Oh my god! So sorry! I'll eh- um I'm just- gonna- uh. I'll just- erm-" Niall rambles.

"Niall. Just. Leave," Harry growls at Niall (a/n I didn't know Harry was a werewolf, holy shit). Niall quickly exits the room with a squeak. I lay under Harry, panting and blushing, trying to process what just happened.

Once I do, I start laughing which causes Harry to start laughing and soon we're rolling on the floor and laughing at Niall's misfortune.

Poor Niall...


Sorry that was so short, and sorry for not updating for so long and PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! :(

I've been shit at updating, but I've also been working on something that I'll hopefully put up soon....

As always though, leave any request you want me to write and I'll get to writing them asap.


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Love you lots!


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