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Peyton's POV

"Good morning love." I felt a pair of lips meet mine and kissed back. I heard my heart monitor speed up and Greyson pulled away. "You're awake!" I smiled and he kissed me again, my heart monitor beeping rapidly again. The door flew open and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Greyson pulled away and I looked at the doctor walking out.

"I heard everything. I'm in love with you too." He smiled and I slid over, patting the spot next to me. He laid next to me and I smiled, laying my head on his chest. "Did you really stay here all night?"

"He's been here for two days." I looked up at my parents. "He wouldn't eat or leave your side." They smiled and Greyson kissed my forehead. "How you feeling?"

"Sore. All I can remember is Luke wrapping his arms around me before we got hit. Luke! Where is he?" I sat up, panicking, my heart monitor speeding up yet again. Greyson pulled me back down and tried to calm me down.

"He's still in a coma." She looked over and I turned looking at him. "You both have been in comas for a few days." My mom handed me my phone.

"I hope he wakes up soon." I laid my head on Greyson's chest. "I'm hungry."

"What do you want?" I shrugged and they walked out.

"Babe? Why didn't you just tell me two nights ago?" I looked up at him.

"I didn't want to embarrass myself." He chuckled and I smiled.

"Embarrass yourself? I made a lame attempt to stop myself from saying it. I thought it was too early." I blushed and he chuckled. He cupped my cheek and kissed me softly, my heart monitor speeding up. I heard the door open and someone cleared their throat. I pulled away and looked at my parents.

"We see the effect Greyson has on you." I giggled and a nurse walked in. She started unhooking things and pulling needles out of my arms. I jumped off the bed and grabbed my clothes, running to the bathroom. I put my own clothes on and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had a few cuts on my face and arms and giant bruises on my arms. I walked back out and jumped on the bed, taking my food from my mom.

The others walked in and smiled. I heard a groan. I looked over at Luke and smiled. "You're awake!" I jumped off my bed and walked over to him.

"What? Who are you?" My smile dropped and tears stung my eyes.

"You don't remember me?" I frowned, a tear slipping down my cheek. He laughed and I stared at him.

"Of course I remember you Pey." I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry." He chuckled and hugged me.

I hugged him back and he poked my dimple. I got up and Greyson stood next to me. "Now Lucas, you can formally meet my boyfriend. Luke, this is Greyson."

"Nice to meet you." He shook Greyson's hand and I smiled. "Liam, Paige, I'm really sorry. I got distracted and wasn't paying attention."

"Don't apologize Luke. You made an honest mistake and protected her at the same time. Thank you." My parents smiled and there was a knock on the door. "Come in." The other guys and girls came in.

"We heard about the accident. Are you guys okay?" I nodded and smiled. Greyson snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "Pey? Who's your friend?" I looked and Aunt Perrie and Cameron snickered.

"This is Greyson." I smiled up at him and the girls awed. I was pulled away from him by my uncles and rolled my eyes. I walked back over to Greyson and latched onto his arm. "Stop. He's really cute and sweet." I smiled up at him and he kissed my cheek.

"They're adorable." I smiled at Aunt Jade and grabbed Greyson's hand. "If Liam's okay with it and he's her father, then I don't understand why you guys are being overprotective." I nodded.

~Hour Later~

We got back home and I went in the kitchen with Greyson, Logan, Amira, and Cameron. Logan went upstairs and Mimi and Cameron were talking. Greyson pulled me in his lap and I smiled. The girls walked out and Greyson chuckled. "It's just us."

"It always seems to be." I giggled and looked at his bright red cast.

"I saved you a spot to sign if you want to." I nodded and grabbed a Sharpie off the counter. I sat on my feet and signed the cast.

Get well soon. I love you. xx- Pey

"There." I drew a big heart around it and got up. He pulled me back in his lap. I grabbed his hand and drew a small heart on it with the marker and wrote my name in cursive. I finished it and smiled at him. "Temporary tattoo."

"I might actually get it one day." He kissed me softly, his thumb caressed my cheek. I heard footsteps and a chuckle. I pulled away from him and looked at my dad.

"Don't mind me I'm just getting a couple of drinks." I giggled and laid my head on Greyson's shoulder. "Carry on." He walked out and I got up.

"I should get home." I nodded and he got up. He hugged me tightly and I smiled, ignoring the pain from my injuries. "I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you too." He gave me a quick, soft kiss and I smiled. "Bye." He left and I walked into the room, sitting in front of Luke.

"Did I hear the L word come from the kitchen?" I blushed and nodded. "Awe wittle Peyton's in love?" My blush deepened. Luke pinched my cheek and I smacked his hand.

"Stop!" I whined and they laughed. "Luckily no one said anything while he was here."

"Don't speak so soon Pey." I turned around and looked at Greyson smirking at me. I got up and pushed him outside.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left?"

"I needed to ask Logan a question about the Homecoming game in a couple months." I nodded and he grabbed my hands. "But now I'm about to leave. I love you."

"I love you too." He pecked my lips and walked to his car. He left and I walked back inside.

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