A Day in the Life of Love {One Direction Fanfiction}

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Chapter One

Hey there...I'm Lilliann, but my friends call me "Lily". That's is,my only friend Jennifer. I'm 15 years old, and I'm pretty normal for the most part. Except, Jenny and I are Directioners so I guess that makes me freakishly weird? To be honest, I hate people. Sometimes they're so stupid so I don't talk to them. Most guys don't like me either...'cause I'm a crazy fangirl who loves five gay guys... To that I say "Shut the hell up." Oh, also I have shoulder length black hair and blue-ish eyes. I mostly wear normal colors with a splash of black :) Anyway, yep that's me.


"Lillian..? Lily get up for school!" my mother yells. I replied with a groan "Mmmmeeehhhhh...! I don't want to get up...and face society..." "Don't worry dear you'll be alright." She assures me. I think to myself 'Fine I'll deal with these biatches..' I look at the clock "Oh jeez! I only have ten minutes left!" I thrash my closet for something suitable to wear, throw it on, and bail for the bus stop. "Goodbye mother! Love you, see you after school!" I said loudly as I ran out the door.

*plops down in bus seat next to Jenny*

"Jaayydee! Good morning buddy!" Jennifer greeted me joyfully. "Hey there Jenny dear." I replied calmly. The bus starts and off to school we go..."Did you see what Niall tweeted?!" Jennifer squeals at me. I reply excitedly "Oh my...no I haven't!" Then Jennifer shows me the tweet on her phone. It said "@NiallOfficial: I swear, I know my princess is out there somewhere! ;)" "I know it's you Lily!" Jenny said with delight. "I wish...but I know that will never happen..." I reply somewhat solemnly. Her phone goes off again we look and see a reply to that tweet by Louis. "What did he sayyy!?!" We both exclaim to ourselves. Jennifer opens the thing and we see it. "@Louis_Tomlinson: Yeah, I feel ya buddy...I need a princess too.. x" We sit there for a moment, then the bus stops at school and Jennifer and I got off of the bus. "Well, well looks like Louis is looking too." I winked at her. "Oh if only Lily..! OMG...what if we met them and they like totally fell in love with us?! That would be awesome!!" Jenny squealed like the cheery fangirl she is. I responded. "Yeah...that would be awesome!" I kept that thought in my head as I walked to my first class.


Chapter 2

BRRIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!! The bell to start class rang rather loudly, I nearly jumped a bit. I rubbed my eyes slightly as the teacher started to take attendance. "Tyler...!" the teacher bellowed. "I'm here, I'm here if you want this ladies ;)" the kid replied. Some of the girls were giggling, I sat there and mumbled "What a cocky little brat..." My teacher called my name "Lily...!" "Present, sir" I replied while raising my hand. He acknowledged me and I set my hand down. As class is starting and my teacher is teaching I randomly hear "Hey guys, did you know that One Direction are a bunch of gays that no one likes?" in a very teasing tone. My head quickly turns over to where I heard it to see none other than Tyler with his stupid smirk as usual. He knows I like One Direction so he just was being the normal ass he is. I stayed quiet, but I gave him quite a death glare. Then I turned my attention to my assignment that was set upon my desk and completed it. Once I did, BRRIIINNGGGG!!!! Class was over and I turned in my paper. I walked to my locker with Jennifer already there at hers. She opens her locker with the greeting of "Ohmygosh, class was SOO boring...UGH." I replied "Gee, I wonder why. Haha" "They didn't talk about 1D and it was just sooo laaammmeeee!" Jenny squealed in complaint. "Hey Jennifer! I couldn't help but hear you mention One Direction. I actually have a good joke about them." We turn to see none other than that Tyler kid who dissed the boys last hour. "Like I would wanna hear anything from you, you good for nothing peasant!" Jennifer exclaimed. She hates him as much as I do. "Hey, hey chillax girl. I just wanted to tell you guys a joke and maybe give you average girls a chance to talk to me 'cause I'm just awesome." Jennifer and I rolled our eyes and just continued to get our books for our next class. The fool continued anyway "So, Do you know what direction do five gay guys walk in?" "Funny you say that 'cause I was going to ask you and your four other friends. Oh wait, you don't have any friends so shut up, you brainless ass!" I quickly retorted back. He stayed quiet and all he said was "Jeez, calm down Lily." "That's Lilliann to you." I growled. "OK, OK....I'll just go then." Tyler then left to his locker. "Oh gosh! Lily we're gonna be late to class!" Jennifer said. Then after we got all our stuff and shut our lockers she dragged me down the hallway while almost tripping. The bell rang and we had just about it made it to class. "Well, wasn't that an adventure...hahaa" I said to her while panting. "Yeah...haha...totally!" Jennifer replied panting as well. We finally sat down and class started.

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