Chapter Two~

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Japan can rushing at me, and I blocked him easily, taking a swipe at him with my other sword. Our blades clashed and rung every time they met, which was often. I knew I wasn't going to last very long against the samurai. After all, I didn't have to fight against other countries in order to survive.

Sure enough. Ten minutes into the fight, he managed to land a cut on my arm. I hissed in pain and retreated back, clamping my hand over the cut.

"Carmen. Are you aright?"

I nodded, grinning. "Yup. I actually didn't think I was going to last that long."


I nodded. "I may enjoy swordsmanship, but I'm always beaten by my friends. If I had used only one sword, I wouldn't have lasted two seconds."

Japan nodded, holding out a hand. "You should get that cut bandaged. It's deeper than it rooks."

I nodded, already having felt the blood dripping off my arm.

"I know. I'll get it cleaned up soon enough. Thanks, Japan, for fighting with me."

"You're wercome."

I went back in, careful to keep the blood from dripping off onto the floor as I went to the bathroom. I cleaned up the wound and looked behind the mirror. I found some cloth bandages and wrapped my arm tightly, thankful for the first aid training that had been drilled into my head since I was little. When I came back into the room, China and Scotland were towering over Japan, who looked afraid for his life.

"You didn't let her win?" China growled.

"Werr, no..."

"Not good for a lass' ego, Kiku."


I cut him off, leaned against the door jamb. "Oh, lighten up, guys. If I had won that would have deflated my ego more. At least this way I know that I'm not being babied. And besides, it was my idea for first blood."

The looked over to see the bloodied bandage on my forearm, then turned back to Japan, dark aura's surrounding them.

I growled, grabbing the thing closest to me--a broom--and leaped up, hitting them with the ends like a quarterstaff. They dropped, clutching their heads.


"What was that for?"

I landed, the broom over a shoulder. "I told you, lighten up."

Scotland sighed, standing. "Sorry. If ever you'd like to train in any area, you can talk to me."

I smiled, going up on tiptoe to pat his head. "Good Scottie. Now, Yao. Do I have to give you nightmares?"

He shook his head. "No, sorry."

"Good." I dropped the broom and sauntered over to put it away. I noticed Russia staring at me and I got the creeps.

"Com here," he asked, smiling. I put the broom back on my shoulder and headed over to him.


"You vant to join Mother Russia, da?"

"Na," I answered, turning and walking away. I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "Sorry, but I think you'd just be scared of me. I'm a mix of Ukraine and Belarus."

I swore I saw Russia shudder.

I started humming the tune from earlier today. Was it really the same day? Soon the hums became soft singing as I listened to the countries interact with each other. "Now when we're out a-sailin', and you are far behind. Fine letters I will write to you with the secrets of my mind. The secrets of my mind, my girl, you're the girl that I adore!--"

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