Chapter Eleven~

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OH-KAY GUYS! I don't know Romania's accent, or what it could possibly be, so guess what? I'm not doing it! Bums be out, too, because I love writing accents... Oh well. READ ON!


I bounded up the steps to the grand house, ringing the doorbell and waiting. Soon the door was opened to reveal the Romanian.

"Hello," he greeted. "You're here."

I nodded, my stomach suddenly clenching. I didn't really even know him! I didn't even think he had any possible human names... He's only known as "Romania". "J-ja... We are."

He smiled, his fang showing more. Suddenly, I didn't feel scared anymore. "Good. Come in."

I trotted after him, giggling gleefully at the inside of his house. "I like your house."

"Thank you. I hope you're not too scared by it..."

I shook my head. "Not at all. I like this kind of thing."

He looked back, giving me a closed-eyed smile. "I'm glad."

I returned it, looking back to see all but Prussia terrified. The albino just looked around, bored.

We arrived at the living room.

"You three can wait here while I show Carmen her room," he offered before ushering me away to my room.

"I tried to pick a room that wasn't too... Romanian."

I looked around, dropping my suitcase on my bed. I took note of the Romanian style bed, dresser, and desk, and the darker, muted colors and smiled. "I like it."

He chuckled. "Glad."

I giggled, giving my signature smile, showing my upper teeth.

Romania raised a brow. "You've got some fangs, there..."

I licked my fangs, grinning evilly. "Aye, I do. Aggravating when you constantly draw blood when you bite your lip, though."

He chuckled. "Point, there."

We heard the door open and close and a voice say, "Big brother! I heard that there's going to be a world meeting! I thought that we should--AH!! Germany! Prussia! Greenland! What are you doing here?!"

I giggled, racing after Romania to the family room where little Moldova was frozen with his arm up protectively and his hat on the ground. Romania smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. The young boy slowly lowered his arm and looked up.

"I'm going to be housing Carmen for a little while. These three are here to drop her off."

I ruffled Moldova's hair, putting his hat back on his head. "Heya!"

He smiled at me. "Okay. I didn't know why they were here so they scared me!"

Romania and I laughed, Moldova giggling along with.

Ludwig stood, signaling to the others to do so as well. "You settled in?" he asked.

I nodded, smiling, my hand still on the boy's head. "Ja. Danke."

He nodded, slicking his hair back, catching a few strands of hair that had come out. I caught Elsbeth sneakily reaching up to mess up his hair lightly, making a few strands fall in his face. Germany sighed, glaring at her. She simply smiled and giggled up at him. He shook his head, returning his attention to me. "Okay. Bruder, let's go."

"I am coming, kleinen Bruder!" The albino called, racing to catch up with the couple.

The door closed, and I was alone with the other set of siblings. It was silent for a while before Moldova turned to look up at me. "So why are you here?"

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