Chapter SIXTY~!

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I woke up with a jolt and opened my eyes to see America's face three inches away from mine. I let out a shriek and thrashed to get him away from me, only to find out that he was laying on me.

"Get off me, you pervert!" I ordered, summoning my own Persian strength to try to shove him off.

He laughed and landed neatly on the floor, legs crossed as his bright blue eyes sparkled up at me. "What, jumpy in the morning?"

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "No, but you will be here soon..."

"Whad'ya mean by that?"

Right after he said that, a shadow crossed over him. His grin froze and he slowly looked up to see a very angry Prussia looming over him, his red eyes practically glowing from anger.

"Do zhat again... I dare you."

Alfred meeped and slowly crawled out of the room.

I sighed and looked up at Prussia bleery-eyed. "What time is it?"

"Doesn't matter," he answered. "It's light out."

I groaned lightly, flopping back onto my bed. "No. Five more hours."

He raised a brow. "Isn't it suppose to be 'five more minutes'?"

I gave him a sleepy look and he chuckled, turning around to get his clothes. "Okay, okay, I get zhe point. Now come on--Al vill just be back if you don't get up and out there."

I heaved a sigh before rustling in my pack and pulling out a pair of heavy cotton shalvar and top. I draped my light cotton hijab around me before shoving my feet into my boots and slipping on my loose vest. The last thing I did was flick my hijab up and look over at Gilbert, smirking.

He flinched before breaking into his sexy lopsided grin. "Man... Zhe shadow of zhe scarf sets off your eyes. Made me zhink zhat zhey were glowing or somezhing."

I grinned, sliding the covering back to allow me to tie my hair into a pony-tail at the nape of my neck. Some strands were loose, but I didn't mind those. My hijab went back up as I strapped my sword and pistol to my hips. A raised brow from Gilbert caused be to explain while I searched for my hat.

"I don't know how long I'm going to be out there. I do know, however, that the jungle kills. If I don't come prepared to exterminate all things vicious, I'll die. I've got protection from the sun with my hijab and hat, and I've got protection from non-friendly things with my weapons. Now."

I straitened, settling the hat on my head while my hijab fell gently to my shoulders as I turned to face Gilbert.

"Care to join me?"


Alice and Moldova had been walking for a while, now. They haven't found the snake, yet, which probably meant that they had gone a different direction. She didn't know which way, but any way was better than no way, right?

"Alice... I'm kinda tired... Can we take a rest?"

The Oregonian looked back to see poor Moldova staggering. She herself was panting from how quickly she was going. Obviously she didn't realize how quickly she was going.

"Okay... We can stop here," she decided.

Moldova sat down on a log and hunched over, catching his breath. "I'm thirsty..."

Alice frowned, looking around. "I don't see any water supply anywhere... Not fresh, anyway... Do you think you'll be okay for a little bit, anyway?"

He nodded, eyes watering. Alice's heart wrenched and she found herself next to him, holding him to her.

"Hey, we'll be out, soon. It's only been one night! Think of it like camping," Alice comforted.

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