C H A P T E R 1

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hope you enjoy Inshallah (:


My name is Sara.

Sara. Not Sarah , SARA.

I'm the epidome or weird and awkward, probably the reason as to why I don't have many friends. But maybe that's because I'm a hijabi, and a proper one too. I was very lucky Alhamdullah for not falling into the promises of this world, instead thinking of the next. Which is why before freshman year I decided to wear hijab. For a while, I felt ugly. I saw those beautiful girls with their short cloths on and I saw myself all covered. I simply felt ugly. Then I realized that real beauty comes from the face. You can wear whatever the heck you want, but its your face that makes or breaks it. You don't need to wear revealing cloths to be beautiful, and that's something I've learned Alhamdullah.

It was the first day or senior year. Just like I was the epidome of awkward, my best friend Mary was the epidome of white girl. Running towards me with a bright glossy smiling, curled hair, short skirt and stylish shirt, let's not forget her caramel frappe in hand, Mary Robinson was top notch white girl material, topped off with her lazy attire of yoga pants or skinny jeans on most days.

"Hey, Sara!" She said hugging me very tightly for someone her size.

"Hey" I reply , tightening my scarf pin which was an annoying habit I have of doing.

Today's attire for me was a floral maxi dress with a cardigan and of course my hijab, I topped it off with some flats. I wasn't exactly gorgeous, but I was pretty enough. I was basically the poster child of the word average. Everything about me was average. I wasn't skinny, ha ha NO I was average with slightly thicker thighs, a not so flat stomach and quite a large butt - that I sucessfully cover. I had the slightest gap between my two front teeth. It was slight but it was still there and I hated that about me. I was too pale for my own good and way too lazy to tan. Not that I could, really. Tanning seems to difficult and I'd never, ever wear a bikini even in my own back yard. The last thing I'd want was an uneven tan from wearing basketball shorts but hey, that's enough about my whole pale situation.

"Summer was so boring without you, but were so spending this summer together! I mean its out last so we have to!" She rambled.

"But of course," I reply, spending most of my summer in pajamas with junk food reading books and watching movies is what happened with me. Not that I'm complaining. I guess I could've done more if I wasn't lazy..

"You look beautiful today!" She exclaimed. She was truly a sweetheart.

"Thank you, but you really do honestly, Mary."

She rolled her eyes, put a hand on her hip then smiled.

Typical move of her.

"Whatever, come on let's rock senior year together!" She said pumping a fist in the air.

When I first came to highschool, I thought everyone would judge me and no one would like me. Turns out no one really cares what you dress like, of course you have the few ignorant Zionists, the quite a few dumb blondes who believe everything they hear on the news, But basically, not many people really cared. I only had one friend because that's what I chose to have, considering the fact highschool contains the biggest idiots.

I wasn't antisocial.

I was anti-idiot.

Random teachers greeted me and asked how my summer went, blah blah blah. The first bell rang, silencing Mary's constant rambling. She had too much coffee.

We said our goodbye for nows and headed to first period.

I always had trouble finding my classes, it took we weeks to master the art of making it on time.

I took a seat in the back, just because. A really tall big guy sat in front of me. Ya Allah help me.  I know I won't be able to see the board. So, as swiftly as I could, I climbed out of the seat and tried to move to the one next to me, only to be booty bumped by something and falling onto the floor with a loud thump.

"Ow!" I yell in shock as I clutch my back, glaring at whoever did that. A blonde girl sat there in short shorts and who the hell cares what else?!

"Oops," She muttered with a wide smirk as she turned back.

That's when I realized. All eyes were on me. As if on cue, everyone burst out laughing and my pale cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

"Chloe, babe. Let her have the seat" A male voice said. I looked up to meet the eyes of Chase, the 'bad boy player' or whatever the cliche shit he was.

"I sat here first" Bimbo said.

"Don't you want to sit with me over there?" He asks. She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Anything for you, baby." She said, how sickening. baby, my backside you little bimbo.

I looked down, lowering my gaze from Chase. Because hes VERYY Mashallah if I do say so myself. But I wasn't someone to care for looks, I don't really know his personality. All I heard were rumors but he definitely did have that bad boy flair to him.

"You okay?" He asks me, why are you talking to me?! stoooopp.

"Yea" I mumble, he holds his hand out for me to take. Ha, as if. I snort and bring myself up. I am not going to do haram, I managed three years with steering away from boys, I can do it this year.

He awkwardly retracted his hand.

"Thanks" I say quietly, still looking down.

"Uh..Yea. No problem." He said before taking his own seat.

What a great start to the first day *Note intense sarcasm*


This is my first Muslim story so idk if I can do this well sense I'm not used to it but I hope you enjoy (:

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