C H A P T E R 14

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Sorry for not updating in a while, I have writers block ugh.

The guy I like held the door open for me like mashallah.

Feelings aren't haram as long as I don't act on them, right?? Like, no way I'm gonna date him. Currently laughing because he wouldn't like me anyway.



"Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun! I know we only met but let's pretend its love! And never ever ever stop for anyone! TONIGHT LETS GET SOME -"

"Mary! Shut up!" I burst out, dropping my pen. She stops her dancing and pauses her IPod.

"Did you just-"

"Girl, they're broken up and Zayn is becoming his own artist. Pillowtalk is better than any of that One Direction garbage, though." I admit.

"I'VE BEEN IN BED ALL DAY, BED ALL DAY, BED ALL DAY!" She now sings, holding out her hair brush as a microphone.

"Those lyrics explain my life." I say with an eye roll before going back to my homework.

She plops down next to me on her bed. "So..watcha doing?"

I slowly look up at her, "Homework, something normal people who want a future do. Bet you never heard of it, though."

"You know what, Sara? I am going to let that slide. I know you've been tightening your hijab too tight lately and your brain just isnt working.."

I roll my eyes and close the book. "Dude..."

"What?" She asks, leaning over my now laying on my back portion.

"I'm screwed." I smack my forehead.

She sighs heavily, "Sadly, not everyone can be as pretty and talented as me. I get it."

I smack her arm. "No, you idiot. It's about Chase."


"I think I might like..have..some feelings for him?"

She stands up dramatically and squeals, "You have feelings for an actual human boy! Oh my God! Sara this is- this is great! Amazing! Oh my God! Oh my...Oh." Realization hits her like a truck. "Hes not even muslim.." She understands.

"Yeap." I cover my eyes.

"All my life Ive closed myself up. Ive been dreaming and waiting for my perfect islamic prince to come sweep me off my feet. Little did I expect to be falling for Chase. A guy who I have no shot with. I choose my religion over him, of course. Theres just..no way."

She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Youve never had a crush. This means something! Itll work itself out. Trust me."

I give her a small smile. I guess shes right, theres nothing i can do but pray for Allah to work this out and let fate do the rest.

Please excuse this. I wrote this in 30 minutes at one a.m.

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