C H A P T E R 2

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C H A P T E R 2

please enjoy (:


Classes have gone pretty well after Bimbo booty bumped me. Like, ew. I of course, had to tell Mary about it at lunch and well..lets see how it went.

Mary and I made our way to a random table, slowly pulling out our lunches.

"So how were classes so far?" She asked curiously, taking a bite of her salad.

"Well it went well..besides one thing." I admit, taking a bite of my pizza. As you can see were both very different.

It was a difficulty hot day here in California, I could feel the sweat on my neck and on my thighs. I always wore tights under neath my skirts/dresses..just in case.

"Oo! Do tell! Do tell!" She urged.

"It was first period" I begin, she nodded excitedly and I gave her an annoyed look. The girl was too fed up on gossip,

"I took a seat in the back and -"

"You were behind a really bit fat guy and you couldn't see a thing, so you tried to move but the Blondie Chloe Smith booty bumped you to the floor, when everyone began laughing at you
Then your night in shining armor, Chase Parkers came and made her move?" A male voice said from behind.


I blushed and hid my face, Ya Allah, he heard me about to talk about him.

Marys mouth was in a large O, before she cracked a large smile.

"Oh.My.Gosh!" She screeched.

"Chase, why are you here?" I ask as polite as I can.

"You owe me, ya know. If it wasn't for me you'd be stuck behind -"

"Woah woah! I owe you?!"


"Wasn't my thank you enough?" I ask with hope.

"You wouldn't even look me in the eye when you said it so-"

"That's for personal reasons." I interupt looking away again.

"She's Muslim. They lower their gazes from guys" Mary explained. I taught her a lot about Islam because she was interested in it.

He simply laughed, "That sounds way too difficult. Especially with me in sight" He said.

Is he mocking my religion.

"Glare at him for me, Mary" I ordered, I almost laughed when I saw her shoot him a deadly glare,her lips pinching together and eyebrows furrowed.

"See ya soon!" He said after he finished laughing like the jerk he was.

"Well, wow. That happened." I said, quite mad at the encounter.

"Its okay, Sara. Love and hate have a thin line" She said with a wink. I want to smack her.


I have Chase in fifth period Art. How flippity floop flopping fantastic.

flippity floop flopping ? I am really insane.

Luckily, he just kept sending annoying winks my way but didn't make a move to talk to me, which I was thankful for. I think Bimbo might have made me more hated at this school. Maybe it was the fact she made me fall on my behind, or maybe she was starting rumors about me.

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