C H A P T E R 13

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"ACHOO!" I fake sneeze while rubbing my red nose (thank you, blush)

"Sara, honey! Are you okay?" Mom asks me.

I nod and weakly say, "Yes, dear mother I am fine." I fake gag, running to the bathroom.

"You can't go to school like this! I'll call Mary and ask her to collect your homework." Mom orders, saying she's going to get tea.

After she leaves, Jamila walks in, arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"Sister," She greets, I roll my eyes. "Stop calling me that!"

"Stop fake being sick."

I cough dramatically, "Astargfilallah!"I say.

"What happened with Chase? I know we don't have the best relationship but I'm here for you." She says.

I sigh, over the whole over dramatic crying thing. "He just..kissed some girl."

She didn't need to ask anymore questions. She sat on my bed and hugged me tightly. "Allah has a very bright plan for you, Inshallah."

Once Jamila left for her class, I pulled out my favorite Quran. It was one my grandma (my fathers mother) Gave me before she passed away. It was color coated for the different juz and had translations on the sides of the pages.

I began reading my favorite surah - surah Yusuf.I instantly felt calmer, feeling silly for being so upset over a boy.

"Um, Sara..it's Chase. You probably want to put a hijab on. I'm coming in this room in like, ten seconds." I hear from the other side of the door.

I didn't have time to object before quickly wrapping the nearest scarf around my head, hiding my very very messy nappy bun.

He came in and I sat as still as a mouse. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my veins as his eyes met mine.I lowered my eyes to his hands where he held the Quran I have given him.

"I just came to return this.." he slowly says.

"Keep it." I knew for a fact he didn't finish it that quickly and I wanted him to benefit.

He cracks a small smile and my heart skips a beat."I actually wasn't planning on giving this back, I just needed an excuse to come and see you."

My heart swelled at his words but my face showed no response. Then A few seconds passed and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"There's that smile." He said teasingly. I scoffed while looking down and playing with my nails.

"Why weren't you at school? And why do you have blush on your nose?" He asks, flicking my nose.

"I'm sick, idiot." I reply.

"You have blush on your nose because you're sick?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No! I really am sick. See! ACHOOOO!" I let out the loudest fake sneeze I could.

He laughs before his face straightens, "Look,I don't know exactly what happened between us but I'm sorry, sorry for whatever I did. I hate you being upset. Seeing you crying..broke me."

Don't hug him Don't hug him Don't hug him.

Too late.

Before I knew it I wrapped my arms around his waist, he was shocked for a second before he hugged me back. It only lasted a few seconds, because I quickly scurried away from him, realizing what I've done.

"I'm sorry." I say, he laughed, smiling cheekily.

"I don't like whatever her face is, She just kissed me and I didn't know what to-"

"Chase, it's okay." I mutter softly.

"Wanna go out with me?" He asks, I raise my eyebrow."No!Not like that! I mean like, you know..go out..as like friends and stuff."

And stuff?

I laugh a little, "Sure. I need to take a shower and get dressed. Stay downstairs!" I warn him. He puts his hands up defensively before leaving the room and I lock it behind him.

I'm happy we're back to normal.

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