C H A P T E R 11

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Hope you enjoy inshAllah.

I got dressed up in a floral maxidress and jean jacket, topping it off with my black scarf.

Today Adams family would be coming over.

To say I wasn't excited would be..the truth.

It's not that I didn't like Adam, okay..well, let me rephrase.

Its not that I hate Adam, that's better. But It's just that he seems so fishy. There was something about him that makes my spidy sense tingle.

After taking a picure of my outfit and posting it on Instagram (can you blame me, this outfit is really cute) I set my precious phone down before going into the kitchen.

"Mashallah habibti you look great!" Dad said.

"Shookran, Baba." (Thank you, dad) I replied.

"Can i help you with anything, grandma?" I ask her.

"Yes, please can you set the table."

"Of course. How many plates?"

"Seven." She replied.

"Seven? But Jamila isn't joining us?"

"But Chase is."

Oh. No.

She laughs, "I'm joking! I'm joking! Six, habibti."

I roll my eyes, "Okay."

After I set the table the bell rang. "I'll get it!" I told my family. I opened the door and three people walked in.

A middle aged woman with brown hair that went to her shoulders, pearl earings and necklace as her jewlery. She was in a maroon short dress.


Then a man walked in, he had some stubble with a fresh cut.

And then, last and - perhaps least- Adam.

It was weird, he was really cute mashAllah, but just not..attractive to me.

"Asalamwa'alaykum." I greeted them. They all smiled and greeted me back.

"Salaam, Sara." Adam said, leaning down into my ear.

He's lucky my mom came, or else I would've needed to use my ninja skills on him.

"Salaam! Salaam! Come in, sit down!" Mom ordered them, gesturing towards the couches.

As the adults sat down and began talking, about me and my grades of course - Adam kept staring at me.

Ever heard of lowering your gaze?

"You look beautiful." He said, "MashAllah." He added.

I gave him a fake small smile, "Thanks."

"We were wondering if Sara was looking for marriage after high school?" I choke on my tea.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I ask his mom.

"Well, I think you and Adam could-"

Me and Adam??

"No." I reply instantly.

"Sara," mom warned, giving me those eyes.

"I mean..no, thank you?" I tried.

"Sara, I didn't raise you to be this disrespectful." My dad said shaking his head.


Arabs and their logic.

"I'm sorry." I said. Adam's mother gives me a wide eyed look.

"You're very beautiful, Sara." She said.

"And you seem very kind and genuine." She adds.

"Thank you, ma'am." I reply kindly.

"Sara is far too young as of now. Perhaps we can discuss this in the future?" Dad says. Thank you, Baba.

"Why, of course."

And then Grandma calls for dinner, and everything goes smoothly after.


"What? He wants to marry you?!" Mary exclaims over the phone. It was now Sunday, and finally I was free of doing anything today.

"I don't know? They just asked if I was interested in marriage after highschool with their son that is my age right there." I reply, spooning ice cream in my mouth.

"Aw. But I wanted Adam-"


"What would you do if Chase asked for your hand in marriage?" She asks teasingly.

"Say no because he's not muslim. Then cry and continue having dreams about us praying together and him reading Quran to me at night." I sigh heavily.

"He's interested, right?"

"In me? No!"

"No, idiot. In islam?"

"I guess so, we haven't talked sense he took the English Quran."

"Look, Sara. You've never really had a crush, so this is obviously special." She said.

"You think we have a chance?"

"Yes. And I shall take Adam!"


Monday came around, and who likes Mondays? Nobody.

I was used to getting up early for fajr though, so I wasn't That sleep deprived.

I got dressed in baggy skinny jeans and a flannel,along with my ever so famous black hijab. I grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to school.

As i walked through the halls towards my locker, apple in head everyone stared at me. I gave them confused looks.

Then i saw it.

Two people making out against some lockers.

Two people as in Chase and Bimbo.

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