C H A P T E R 15

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Hey guys! I need to change the title because..well. Chase isn't a bad boy. Any ideas?

"Chase, this is crazy!" I say, shivering in my light cardigan. Although it was mid March, officially Spring, the winter weather has yet to leave. I was wearing a maxi skirt and flats, not exactly normal atire for ice skating.

"Oh, you'll be all right. Your hijab will keep you warm." He said ,giving me a cheeky smile.

I try not to look, I begin lowering my gaze. I've decided we have no chance and this is just Shaytan making me feel this way. It is absolutely haram and we have no chance. I pray Allah forgives me.

I cross my arms ,wondering why I agreed to this.

I decided I needed to stop sending time alone with him, so Mary came too. Although , she wasn't being much help. She was currently skating alongside some guy, who's hand was on her waist.

I sighed heavily and sat down, plopping off my flats and putting on socks.

"Hey, Sara. Is everything okay?" Chase asks, genuine concern.

"Yes, Chase. Its just..." How can I possibly tell him I really like him but he's not Muslim so nothing can happen??

"Just...?" He trailed off, looking right at me, but I avoided his gaze.

"Nothing." I finally said, forcing a smile. I tied on one of the skates, then the other. "Now, let's go skating."

He smiles and nods, standing up. He tries to take my hand but I briskly kill it away.

Oh, shoot. He looks hurt.

"Personal space." I tell him.

He blushes. "I'm sorry."

Just then, Mary skates by us, screeching "Wooo!!"

"So," chase says chuckling. "She seems to be having fun"

"Yeah..well, let's get skating!" In attempt to lighten the mood. It was much to heavy as of now.

After bumping into a couple (*cough* six *cough*" people, and tripping over my maxi skirt enough times we decided to call it a night.

I'm sure Chase noticed how awkward things have become between us, even Mary noticed.

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I came home and greeted my parents, telling them I wasn't hungry (of course they didn't listen, they'll be saving a plate for me) and got upstairs.

As of right now, all I wanted was to snuggle up in my bed and read Quran.

I opened up to where I left off last time and began getting lost in the beautiful versus, finally finding peace.

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